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The various aspects of green technology that can be incorporated into the spatial planning process help in finding new ways to achieve sustainable development by reducing the negative impacts of various economic and human activities on the environment and ecosystems and guiding development towards adoption of green and eco-friendly ways of life in cities and urban areas. (3)
The phrase "green technology" developed to refer to a method of resolving these issues with a focus on sustainable growth on all fronts.
These innovations in environmentally friendly technology frequently deal with issues like energy efficiency, recycling, health and safety, renewable resources, and more. Numerous technological advancements that reduce adverse environmental effects and propose fresh strategies for achieving sustainable development are referred to as "green technologies." (4)
It appears to be a very efficient instrument for contemporary urban planning, taking into account all planning factors, including Infrastructure, Industry, Energy, Telecommunications, and other key areas in cities.
This thesis intends to bring planning and designing at a city level using a green approach to mitigate the effects of heat waves, withstand extremely hot weather, and prevent the formation of heat islands.
Among the strategies with the greatest potential for green urban resilience are:
a) Green Roofs and Facades
b) Increasing Canopy and Vegetation
c) Light colored and heat resistant materials for Pavements and Road surfaces.
d) Shaded Streets, Pedestrian galleries and corridors
e) Self-Ventilating and Self-Shading structures.
f) Cooling Centers.
The various aspects of green technology that can be incorporated into the spatial planning process help in finding new ways to achieve sustainable development by reducing the negative impacts of various economic and human activities on the environment and ecosystems and guiding development towards adoption of green and eco-friendly ways of life in cities and urban areas. (3)
The phrase "green technology" developed to refer to a method of resolving these issues with a focus on sustainable growth on all fronts.
These innovations in environmentally friendly technology frequently deal with issues like energy efficiency, recycling, health and safety, renewable resources, and more. Numerous technological advancements that reduce adverse environmental effects and propose fresh strategies for achieving sustainable development are referred to as "green technologies." (4)
It appears to be a very efficient instrument for contemporary urban planning, taking into account all planning factors, including Infrastructure, Industry, Energy, Telecommunications, and other key areas in cities.
This thesis intends to bring planning and designing at a city level using a green approach to mitigate the effects of heat waves, withstand extremely hot weather, and prevent the formation of heat islands.
Among the strategies with the greatest potential for green urban resilience are:
a) Green Roofs and Facades
b) Increasing Canopy and Vegetation
c) Light colored and heat resistant materials for Pavements and Road surfaces.
d) Shaded Streets, Pedestrian galleries and corridors
e) Self-Ventilating and Self-Shading structures.
f) Cooling Centers.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Nizami, Mohammed Shujauddin
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Green Roofs and Facades,Increasing Canopy and Vegetation,Light colored and heat resistant materials for Pavements and Road surfaces,Shaded Streets,Pedestrian galleries and corridors,Self-Ventilating and Self-Shading structures,Cooling Centers
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Ottobre 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Nizami, Mohammed Shujauddin
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Green Roofs and Facades,Increasing Canopy and Vegetation,Light colored and heat resistant materials for Pavements and Road surfaces,Shaded Streets,Pedestrian galleries and corridors,Self-Ventilating and Self-Shading structures,Cooling Centers
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Ottobre 2023
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