Festa, Davide
Debris flow susceptibility mapping for initiation areas at medium scale: a case study in Western Norway.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Geologia e territorio [LM-DM270]
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In recent years, rapid mass movements such as debris flow and debris avalanches resulted in
a significant impact on Norwegian society and economy. The need for dispelling the
uncertainty inherent in landslide risk assessment has encouraged the development of hazard
and susceptibility maps. Different statistically-based modelling methods, in combination
with geographic information systems (GIS), have been extensively used to ascertain
landslide susceptibility in quantitative terms. This thesis proposes a bivariate statistical
method (Weights of Evidence) for assessing the spatial proneness of debris flows within
Førde and Jølster municipalities (Western Norway), where emphasis is put on the critical
conditions of initiation.
Since no feasible landslide database could be exploited for susceptibility mapping at medium
scale, this thesis addressed the realisation of a new inventory. By coupling pre-existing data
from remote sensing and field observations, circa 1100 debris flow initiation areas were
outlined and differentiated in four categories with geomorphological repeatable features.
Simple topography-based parameters such as slope, upslope contributing area, curvature and
roughness were used to find significant statistical differences between the initiation areatypes.
Moreover, they were employed together with other thematic maps as informative
layers for landslide modelling. In order to test the model fitting performance, the ROC curves
method is used in this thesis.
The evaluation of different discretization schemes and combinations of the above-mentioned
variables led to individuate models with different performances in terms of success rates.
The best model is obtained by using only a combination of slope, flow accumulation and
elevation (82% true positive rate), while the manual adjustment of the classification scheme
did not lead to significant improvements.
In recent years, rapid mass movements such as debris flow and debris avalanches resulted in
a significant impact on Norwegian society and economy. The need for dispelling the
uncertainty inherent in landslide risk assessment has encouraged the development of hazard
and susceptibility maps. Different statistically-based modelling methods, in combination
with geographic information systems (GIS), have been extensively used to ascertain
landslide susceptibility in quantitative terms. This thesis proposes a bivariate statistical
method (Weights of Evidence) for assessing the spatial proneness of debris flows within
Førde and Jølster municipalities (Western Norway), where emphasis is put on the critical
conditions of initiation.
Since no feasible landslide database could be exploited for susceptibility mapping at medium
scale, this thesis addressed the realisation of a new inventory. By coupling pre-existing data
from remote sensing and field observations, circa 1100 debris flow initiation areas were
outlined and differentiated in four categories with geomorphological repeatable features.
Simple topography-based parameters such as slope, upslope contributing area, curvature and
roughness were used to find significant statistical differences between the initiation areatypes.
Moreover, they were employed together with other thematic maps as informative
layers for landslide modelling. In order to test the model fitting performance, the ROC curves
method is used in this thesis.
The evaluation of different discretization schemes and combinations of the above-mentioned
variables led to individuate models with different performances in terms of success rates.
The best model is obtained by using only a combination of slope, flow accumulation and
elevation (82% true positive rate), while the manual adjustment of the classification scheme
did not lead to significant improvements.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Festa, Davide
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum A: Rischio idrogeologico
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
debris flow,susceptibility,initiation areas,landslide inventory,Weights of Evidence
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Marzo 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Festa, Davide
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum A: Rischio idrogeologico
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
debris flow,susceptibility,initiation areas,landslide inventory,Weights of Evidence
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Marzo 2019
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