Corpora e universali della traduzione in ambito sociologico: il caso degli anglicismi nella rivista “Lavoro Sociale”

Merzoni, Sara (2014) Corpora e universali della traduzione in ambito sociologico: il caso degli anglicismi nella rivista “Lavoro Sociale”. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Traduzione specializzata [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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Contacts between languages have always led to mutual influence. Today, the position of authority of the English language affects Italian in many ways, especially in the scientific and technical fields. When new studies conceived in the English-speaking world reach the Italian public, we are faced not only with the translation of texts, but most importantly the rendition of theoretical constructs that do not always have a suitable rendering in the target language. That is why we often find anglicisms in Italian texts. This work aims to show their frequency in a specific field, underlying how and when they are used, and sometimes preferred to the Italian corresponding word. This dissertation looks at a sample of essays from the specialised magazine “Lavoro Sociale”, published by Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, searching for borrowings from English and discussing their use in order to make hypotheses on the reasons of this phenomenon, against the wider background of translation studies and translation universals research. What I am more interested in is the understanding of the similarities and differences in the use of anglicisms by authors of Italian texts and translators from English into Italian, so that I can figure out what the main dynamics and tendencies are. The whole paper is has four parts. Chapter 1 briefly explains the theoretical background on translation studies, and introduces and discusses the notion of translation universals. After that, the research methodology and theoretical background on linguistic borrowings (especially anglicisms) in Italian are summarized. Chapter 2 presents the study, explaining the organisation of the material, the methodology used and the object of interest. Chapter 3 is the core of the dissertation because it contains the qualitative and quantitative data taken from the texts and the examination of the dynamics of the use of anglicisms. Finally, Chapter 4 compares the conclusions drawn from the previous chapter with the opinions of authors, translators and proof-readers, whom I asked to answer a questionnaire written specifically to investigate the mechanisms and choices behind their use of anglicisms.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Merzoni, Sara
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
universali della traduzione, anglicismi, corpus-based translation studies, lavoro sociale
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Luglio 2014

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