Thaniyarasu, Kavya
Unveiling the potential: a comprehensive exploration of proton therapy focalized on treatment planning.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Physics [LM-DM270], Documento ad accesso riservato.
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In the thesis, the heart of proton therapy which is treatment planning is carried out for thoracic lesion. Typically, the patient treatment plan is made by a medical physicist and then it is assessed by the physicians before irradiating the patient. Also, the design and the organizational aspects of proton therapy facilities, and the potential of new technologies, for example artificial intelligence in the improvement of treatment effectiveness, are discussed. The objective of this work is to offer an in-depth perspective on the transformative impact of proton therapy in advancing radiation oncology practices and to provide valuable analysis that can guide and support practitioners in this evolving field. I have created 18 different treatment plans using the software Raystation with 1, 2,3 and 4 proton fields respectively. The gantry angle used for 1-proton field are (235), (200), (270) and (315). There are 8 treatment plans using 2-proton fields and the gantry angles used are as follows (225,315), (0,270), (180,300), (200,275), (200,325), (205,280), (235,315) and
(200,310). In total 4 treatment plans are made with 3-proton fields with the gantry angles, (0,200,270), (0,200,300), (0,270,335) and (0,210,310). There are 2 plans with 4- proton fields with the gantry angles (0,45,180,220) and (0,180,270,340). These plans were created, evaluated
based on the clinical goals and the best, worst and some-what clinically viable plans of these 18 were analysed in the thesis. The best plan of all is the one with 2-proton field using the
gantry angles (0,270) where all the organs at risk (OAR) were not irradiated beyond the assigned limits. The worst plan created was the plan with single proton field with gantry angle
(270) because it does not give full coverage of the tumour and hence it is not clinically viable.
In the thesis, the heart of proton therapy which is treatment planning is carried out for thoracic lesion. Typically, the patient treatment plan is made by a medical physicist and then it is assessed by the physicians before irradiating the patient. Also, the design and the organizational aspects of proton therapy facilities, and the potential of new technologies, for example artificial intelligence in the improvement of treatment effectiveness, are discussed. The objective of this work is to offer an in-depth perspective on the transformative impact of proton therapy in advancing radiation oncology practices and to provide valuable analysis that can guide and support practitioners in this evolving field. I have created 18 different treatment plans using the software Raystation with 1, 2,3 and 4 proton fields respectively. The gantry angle used for 1-proton field are (235), (200), (270) and (315). There are 8 treatment plans using 2-proton fields and the gantry angles used are as follows (225,315), (0,270), (180,300), (200,275), (200,325), (205,280), (235,315) and
(200,310). In total 4 treatment plans are made with 3-proton fields with the gantry angles, (0,200,270), (0,200,300), (0,270,335) and (0,210,310). There are 2 plans with 4- proton fields with the gantry angles (0,45,180,220) and (0,180,270,340). These plans were created, evaluated
based on the clinical goals and the best, worst and some-what clinically viable plans of these 18 were analysed in the thesis. The best plan of all is the one with 2-proton field using the
gantry angles (0,270) where all the organs at risk (OAR) were not irradiated beyond the assigned limits. The worst plan created was the plan with single proton field with gantry angle
(270) because it does not give full coverage of the tumour and hence it is not clinically viable.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Thaniyarasu, Kavya
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Applied Physics
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
proton therapy,proton field,treatment planning.thoracic cancer,prostate lesion,ptv,ctv,gtv,raystation,medical accelerator,roistatistics,dose-volume histogram,organs at risk,sparing healthy tissue
Data di discussione della Tesi
20 Dicembre 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Thaniyarasu, Kavya
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Applied Physics
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
proton therapy,proton field,treatment planning.thoracic cancer,prostate lesion,ptv,ctv,gtv,raystation,medical accelerator,roistatistics,dose-volume histogram,organs at risk,sparing healthy tissue
Data di discussione della Tesi
20 Dicembre 2024
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