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This dissertation examines the practice of Language Brokering (LB) for Speech Impaired People (SIP). Drowning on non-professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT) studies, this work highlights the role undertaken by the family members who mediate for their speech impaired relatives. The central question driving this research is: Do family interpreters perceive themselves as mediators?
Through semi-structured interviews with language brokers and their speech impaired relatives, this study explored the emotional, relational and practical dimensions of LB with a particular focus on the modalities employed to facilitate communication and on the perception that language brokers have of their role. Two different interviews were carried out. The first aimed at investigating how the interpretation process takes place, while the goal of the second interview was to give a comprehensive outlook of the perceptions and emotions attached to LB.
The analysis of the three stages of interpretation reveals the range of strategies that family interpreters use to understand the source speech and consequently interpret the meaning. It is also observed how SIP, who are competent speakers, can possibly challenge the interpreted meaning and reconstruct it with the help of language brokers. The findings also revealed the mixed feelings attached to LB and the contrasting perceptions that family interpreters have of their role. The tendency observed among the language brokers is to normalize this practice as part of their family responsibilities. Therefore, as supposed in the beginning, not only LB lacks public recognition and institutional support, but it remains largely unacknowledged by the mediators themselves.
This dissertation examines the practice of Language Brokering (LB) for Speech Impaired People (SIP). Drowning on non-professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT) studies, this work highlights the role undertaken by the family members who mediate for their speech impaired relatives. The central question driving this research is: Do family interpreters perceive themselves as mediators?
Through semi-structured interviews with language brokers and their speech impaired relatives, this study explored the emotional, relational and practical dimensions of LB with a particular focus on the modalities employed to facilitate communication and on the perception that language brokers have of their role. Two different interviews were carried out. The first aimed at investigating how the interpretation process takes place, while the goal of the second interview was to give a comprehensive outlook of the perceptions and emotions attached to LB.
The analysis of the three stages of interpretation reveals the range of strategies that family interpreters use to understand the source speech and consequently interpret the meaning. It is also observed how SIP, who are competent speakers, can possibly challenge the interpreted meaning and reconstruct it with the help of language brokers. The findings also revealed the mixed feelings attached to LB and the contrasting perceptions that family interpreters have of their role. The tendency observed among the language brokers is to normalize this practice as part of their family responsibilities. Therefore, as supposed in the beginning, not only LB lacks public recognition and institutional support, but it remains largely unacknowledged by the mediators themselves.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Di Iorio, Concetta
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Language brokering,speech impairment,family interpreting,non-professional mediation,caregiving
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Di Iorio, Concetta
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Language brokering,speech impairment,family interpreting,non-professional mediation,caregiving
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2024
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