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The form of human existence has always been a migratory one. In the last decade a large amount of migrants risk all in life or death journeys seeking better live and future throughout Europe. One of the most popular spots is Lampedusa Island in southern part of Sicily region, with Italy being one such country that has consistently a main target. There has already been one crisis in terms of the numbers on Lampedusa with its holding and processing facility, where it is unable cope at various times of year due to migrant inflows.
Standing as they do, the challenges of overpopulation on an island meant for far fewer souls and lacking in proper sanitary facilities or medical services are only made worse by a massive lack of infrastructure. This again highlights the urgent need for a new refugee camp with larger capacities and extended facilities to bring better living conditions for migrants in their brief stay.
This project is tackling these high-priority service needs with the creation of a long term sustainable refugee camp. The camp is able to expand by using the free spaces that exist on such an island, so more migrants can be directly accommodated in a safer and human way. The team is thinking about sustainability with the design of the camp: making sure that everything from materials to construction are green and able to withstand life on an island.
The camp, which is intended to be larger and will have basic services for the support of health security, besides increasing the capacity. These must include ablution facilities, infirmaries and recreation recovery areas. The idea is to reduce the already existing pressure on Lampedusa Island as well as provide more of a permanent and supportive solution for those who are coming in.
In sum, this project represents both an emergency response for the island in its current state and a longer-term strategy to mitigate future challenges relating to migrant arrivals. With a focus on sustainability and layout
The form of human existence has always been a migratory one. In the last decade a large amount of migrants risk all in life or death journeys seeking better live and future throughout Europe. One of the most popular spots is Lampedusa Island in southern part of Sicily region, with Italy being one such country that has consistently a main target. There has already been one crisis in terms of the numbers on Lampedusa with its holding and processing facility, where it is unable cope at various times of year due to migrant inflows.
Standing as they do, the challenges of overpopulation on an island meant for far fewer souls and lacking in proper sanitary facilities or medical services are only made worse by a massive lack of infrastructure. This again highlights the urgent need for a new refugee camp with larger capacities and extended facilities to bring better living conditions for migrants in their brief stay.
This project is tackling these high-priority service needs with the creation of a long term sustainable refugee camp. The camp is able to expand by using the free spaces that exist on such an island, so more migrants can be directly accommodated in a safer and human way. The team is thinking about sustainability with the design of the camp: making sure that everything from materials to construction are green and able to withstand life on an island.
The camp, which is intended to be larger and will have basic services for the support of health security, besides increasing the capacity. These must include ablution facilities, infirmaries and recreation recovery areas. The idea is to reduce the already existing pressure on Lampedusa Island as well as provide more of a permanent and supportive solution for those who are coming in.
In sum, this project represents both an emergency response for the island in its current state and a longer-term strategy to mitigate future challenges relating to migrant arrivals. With a focus on sustainability and layout
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Abdollahi, Amirfarhan
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Lampedusa Island,Migrants,refugees in italy,Illegal migrants,sustainable design,Hotspot camp,italy,Sicily,Refugee camp,Prefabricated unit
Data di discussione della Tesi
24 Luglio 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Abdollahi, Amirfarhan
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Lampedusa Island,Migrants,refugees in italy,Illegal migrants,sustainable design,Hotspot camp,italy,Sicily,Refugee camp,Prefabricated unit
Data di discussione della Tesi
24 Luglio 2024
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