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Documento PDF (Thesis)
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Documento PDF (Supplementary file)
Full-text accessibile solo agli utenti istituzionali dell'Ateneo Disponibile con Licenza: Salvo eventuali più ampie autorizzazioni dell'autore, la tesi può essere liberamente consultata e può essere effettuato il salvataggio e la stampa di una copia per fini strettamente personali di studio, di ricerca e di insegnamento, con espresso divieto di qualunque utilizzo direttamente o indirettamente commerciale. Ogni altro diritto sul materiale è riservato Download (2MB) | Contatta l'autore |
This thesis explores the concept of ecosystems within regenerative urban processes. It outlines the importance of ecosystems and ecosystem services (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment) as regulating factors of today’s environment. The text presents my design proposals for the urban design competition “Massafra, le porte della città”. This public contest, launched by the local administration, aims at regenerating Massafra’s peri-urban areas that, according to the competition’s general report, do not reveal the true identity of the city, neither from its structure nor from its aesthetics. After outlining the site constraints and opportunities in relation to Massafra’s ecosystems – ecological ecosystem and anthropic environment – the text conceptualises a method of operation and analysis that can be applied whenever micro-and-macro-scale interventions have to interact. The concept of Nature-based solutions (Nbs) and urban operators are strategic tools that can be used to respond to economic, environmental, and social challenges. The present analysis relates the use of Nbs and urban operators for the preservation and maintenance of Massafra ecosystems. Within the territorial context, the text presents three areas of interest – the Gravine Park, the Farming Village and the Innovation Hub – that integrate evolved studies. The thesis’ ultimate goal is to create a theoretical framework that would not only direct this project’s intention, but also guide similar regenerative processes.