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In the dynamic landscape of the luxury market, the advent of social media has revolutionised how luxury brands engage with their audience, particularly in the rapidly evolving Chinese market. This thesis embarks on an exploratory journey to dissect and understand the nuanced strategies luxury brands employ on platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, DouYin, and Little Red Book to captivate and engage with the Chinese consumer base. This study aims to unveil the symbiotic relationship between luxury brands and digital platforms in China through a meticulous analysis of digital marketing campaigns, influencer collaborations, and consumer engagement tactics. It explores how these brands navigate the intricate web of social media to maintain their allure of exclusivity and luxury while simultaneously reaching out to wider, tech-savvy audiences. The investigation includes a linguistic analysis of Bottega Veneta’s WeChat posts, illustrating how language is pivotal in enhancing brand messaging and engaging the Chinese consumer. This part of the study scrutinises the deliberate choice of words, phrases, and linguistic structures employed by Bottega Veneta, revealing how these elements are strategically used to resonate with cultural norms, values, and consumer expectations in the Chinese market. The following chapters will delve into the historical context of luxury perception, the transformation of luxury consumption in China, and a detailed case study on Bottega Veneta’s innovative approach to digital marketing in the 2023 Chinese New Year campaign, offering insights into the broader implications for luxury marketing in the digital era.
In the dynamic landscape of the luxury market, the advent of social media has revolutionised how luxury brands engage with their audience, particularly in the rapidly evolving Chinese market. This thesis embarks on an exploratory journey to dissect and understand the nuanced strategies luxury brands employ on platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, DouYin, and Little Red Book to captivate and engage with the Chinese consumer base. This study aims to unveil the symbiotic relationship between luxury brands and digital platforms in China through a meticulous analysis of digital marketing campaigns, influencer collaborations, and consumer engagement tactics. It explores how these brands navigate the intricate web of social media to maintain their allure of exclusivity and luxury while simultaneously reaching out to wider, tech-savvy audiences. The investigation includes a linguistic analysis of Bottega Veneta’s WeChat posts, illustrating how language is pivotal in enhancing brand messaging and engaging the Chinese consumer. This part of the study scrutinises the deliberate choice of words, phrases, and linguistic structures employed by Bottega Veneta, revealing how these elements are strategically used to resonate with cultural norms, values, and consumer expectations in the Chinese market. The following chapters will delve into the historical context of luxury perception, the transformation of luxury consumption in China, and a detailed case study on Bottega Veneta’s innovative approach to digital marketing in the 2023 Chinese New Year campaign, offering insights into the broader implications for luxury marketing in the digital era.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Mazzoni, Linda
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Social Media,Luxury,Luxury Brands,Social Media Marketing Strategies,Marketing Strategies,Digital Marketing Strategies,China,Chinese Social Media,Chinese Market,Linguistic Analysis,WeChat,Luxury Fashion Brands,Fashion,Bottega Veneta
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Marzo 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Mazzoni, Linda
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Social Media,Luxury,Luxury Brands,Social Media Marketing Strategies,Marketing Strategies,Digital Marketing Strategies,China,Chinese Social Media,Chinese Market,Linguistic Analysis,WeChat,Luxury Fashion Brands,Fashion,Bottega Veneta
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Marzo 2024
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