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Due to constant advancements in technologies, millimeter waves are gaining more importance in the wireless communications field.
In the contemporary era of wireless communications, more and more devices are connected each year, with this number expected to increase exponentially in the following ones. To handle the increase in the number of end users, research is going on towards next generation cellular networks such as 5G, 6G and beyond.
When considering mm-wave propagation, indoor propagation becomes of particular interest since even the smallest objects would produce significant attenuation at those high frequencies [2].
Indoor structures, especially in modern construction techniques, are known to heavily hinder the signal propagation indoors. One aspect of indoor propagation that is very useful in interference management or coverage prediction problems, is the propagation through the floors.
In this work, we conduct several measurements related to through floor attenuation in different typical Southern European buildings. Given the gap in the existing literature, this work aims at giving some representative values of attenuation each floor suffers from, according to the construction type and year of each considered building.
The thesis begins with an introduction to the millimeter wave frequency range and a description of all the measurement equipment that we used.
Then, measurement results at each location will be described for all the considered points.
The conclusion contains a summary of the thesis with a table that shows the electrical properties of different floor slabs.
Due to constant advancements in technologies, millimeter waves are gaining more importance in the wireless communications field.
In the contemporary era of wireless communications, more and more devices are connected each year, with this number expected to increase exponentially in the following ones. To handle the increase in the number of end users, research is going on towards next generation cellular networks such as 5G, 6G and beyond.
When considering mm-wave propagation, indoor propagation becomes of particular interest since even the smallest objects would produce significant attenuation at those high frequencies [2].
Indoor structures, especially in modern construction techniques, are known to heavily hinder the signal propagation indoors. One aspect of indoor propagation that is very useful in interference management or coverage prediction problems, is the propagation through the floors.
In this work, we conduct several measurements related to through floor attenuation in different typical Southern European buildings. Given the gap in the existing literature, this work aims at giving some representative values of attenuation each floor suffers from, according to the construction type and year of each considered building.
The thesis begins with an introduction to the millimeter wave frequency range and a description of all the measurement equipment that we used.
Then, measurement results at each location will be described for all the considered points.
The conclusion contains a summary of the thesis with a table that shows the electrical properties of different floor slabs.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Scarponi, Jacopo
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
millimeter waves,onde millimetriche,floor slabs,solai,5G,propagazione,propagation,penetration attenuation,attenuazione,trasmissione,wireless comunications,telecomunicazioni,indoor,antennas,antenne
Data di discussione della Tesi
8 Febbraio 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Scarponi, Jacopo
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
millimeter waves,onde millimetriche,floor slabs,solai,5G,propagazione,propagation,penetration attenuation,attenuazione,trasmissione,wireless comunications,telecomunicazioni,indoor,antennas,antenne
Data di discussione della Tesi
8 Febbraio 2024
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