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The present thesis aims to have a clear picture of
the psychological wellbeing of two healthcare professions that have both less media resonance in the
fighting against the pandemic Covid-19 but were and are, still right now, in the frontline to stop the
virus advancement. It’s important to pay attention to mental health and psychological wellbeing of
workers, mostly after the plague outbreak. In
searching with several and various sources for having a good picture of the impact of Covid-19 on
mental health around the world, the focus was placed on job satisfaction and motivation, the anxiety,
stress and depression and the changes during the pandemic. For studying the job satisfaction was used
the Nagy scale single item measure, DAS scale to measure depression, anxiety and stress; social
identity at work for valuing the worker’s identification with the workplace, just one item to measure
motivation and another one to value the variation in working motivation after Covid-19 outbreak.
Subsequently, some questions were asked about the changes of organization during the Covid-19
aimed to understand how these have impacted on mental wellbeing. The questionnaire’s participants
are 93 radiographers and 44 physical therapists who belong to two important hospitals of EmiliaRomagna region: Sant’Orsola Malpighi hospital in Bologna and Infermi’s hospital in Rimini.
Interesting results and differences were found between the two professions, in genders and in
workplaces too. The most significant results are in the identification between the genders, in
motivation and job satisfaction among the roles and the anxiety score related to the workplace.
Additionally, levels of depression, anxiety and stress were found to be higher than in the average
population of Italy. Moreover, interesting results appeared in the reduction of personnel, in the
variation of the place where workers carried out their activities and in the change in the total number
of workers.
The present thesis aims to have a clear picture of
the psychological wellbeing of two healthcare professions that have both less media resonance in the
fighting against the pandemic Covid-19 but were and are, still right now, in the frontline to stop the
virus advancement. It’s important to pay attention to mental health and psychological wellbeing of
workers, mostly after the plague outbreak. In
searching with several and various sources for having a good picture of the impact of Covid-19 on
mental health around the world, the focus was placed on job satisfaction and motivation, the anxiety,
stress and depression and the changes during the pandemic. For studying the job satisfaction was used
the Nagy scale single item measure, DAS scale to measure depression, anxiety and stress; social
identity at work for valuing the worker’s identification with the workplace, just one item to measure
motivation and another one to value the variation in working motivation after Covid-19 outbreak.
Subsequently, some questions were asked about the changes of organization during the Covid-19
aimed to understand how these have impacted on mental wellbeing. The questionnaire’s participants
are 93 radiographers and 44 physical therapists who belong to two important hospitals of EmiliaRomagna region: Sant’Orsola Malpighi hospital in Bologna and Infermi’s hospital in Rimini.
Interesting results and differences were found between the two professions, in genders and in
workplaces too. The most significant results are in the identification between the genders, in
motivation and job satisfaction among the roles and the anxiety score related to the workplace.
Additionally, levels of depression, anxiety and stress were found to be higher than in the average
population of Italy. Moreover, interesting results appeared in the reduction of personnel, in the
variation of the place where workers carried out their activities and in the change in the total number
of workers.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Cornicello, Andrea
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
psychological wellbeing,depression,anxiety,stress,job satisfaction,work motivation,Covid-19
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Cornicello, Andrea
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
psychological wellbeing,depression,anxiety,stress,job satisfaction,work motivation,Covid-19
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2023
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