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Construction Demolition waste (CDW) is one of the major concerns in India to look into since the C&D waste generation annually accounts for around 40% of the total C&D waste generation annually by the entire world. The 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery) method will help to create a sustainable environment and accelerate the circular economy. The main aim of this paper is to create a Circular Economy (CE) on Demolition waste and its management. The waste in usage alleviates the consumption of natural resources for new production and helps to reduce CO2 emission into the atmosphere also creates employment by enhancing the technological values in management and handling. The methodology of Prisma chart flow was followed in this report to collect the literature review to satisfy the aim of the report. The novelty of this report looked over the CDW management and the government initiatives towards it. The results of this report have been worked on the frameworks for circular economy and its management, challenges and barriers that are going to occur in the system, strategies, sustainability connectivity with CDW and the policies needed to control the effects on the environment, economic and social health due to illegal disposal and improper waste management.