Nespeca, Vincenzo
String theory as a Lakatosian research programme.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Physics [LM-DM270]
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Theoretical physics is experiencing one of the worst crises in its history. The main objective is to find a quantum theory of gravity, but the lack of experimental data at energies near the Planck scale makes theoreticians advancing blindly, without any guide in the theory building process .
In the last four decades one theory has been considered the best candidate for a theory of quantum gravity (and in general for a unifying theory of all forces): string theory, which is still dominating the theoretical physics research landscape. Despite the efforts of a huge number of scientists, string theory has never been able to give any testable prediction, so it is not experimentally testable.
All these issues led to a stalemate that has lasted for decades, and the consequences are not only scientific but philosophical, methodological and sociological as well. In this situation, philosophy of science can be of fundamental importance as an instrument for a deeper understanding of the scientific process, suggesting a rational appraisal of the status of contemporary physics so that scientists can continue their research with greater awareness. \\
In this work I analyze the string theory research programme from a historical and philosophical perspective. It is organized as follows: in the introduction I am going to give an overview of the situation of theoretical physics, of its recent history and the problems it is facing; in chapter 1 I will summarize the most important philosophical paradigms and achievements in the philosophy of science, deepening the thought of Imre Lakatos; in chapter 2 I will give a detailed summary of string theory's history; in chapter 3 I will interpret string theory research programme in the light of Lakatos methodology; in chapter 4 I will present and discuss Richard Dawid's philosophy and its application to the string theory research programme; in the conclusion I will give the final results of the analysis.
Theoretical physics is experiencing one of the worst crises in its history. The main objective is to find a quantum theory of gravity, but the lack of experimental data at energies near the Planck scale makes theoreticians advancing blindly, without any guide in the theory building process .
In the last four decades one theory has been considered the best candidate for a theory of quantum gravity (and in general for a unifying theory of all forces): string theory, which is still dominating the theoretical physics research landscape. Despite the efforts of a huge number of scientists, string theory has never been able to give any testable prediction, so it is not experimentally testable.
All these issues led to a stalemate that has lasted for decades, and the consequences are not only scientific but philosophical, methodological and sociological as well. In this situation, philosophy of science can be of fundamental importance as an instrument for a deeper understanding of the scientific process, suggesting a rational appraisal of the status of contemporary physics so that scientists can continue their research with greater awareness. \\
In this work I analyze the string theory research programme from a historical and philosophical perspective. It is organized as follows: in the introduction I am going to give an overview of the situation of theoretical physics, of its recent history and the problems it is facing; in chapter 1 I will summarize the most important philosophical paradigms and achievements in the philosophy of science, deepening the thought of Imre Lakatos; in chapter 2 I will give a detailed summary of string theory's history; in chapter 3 I will interpret string theory research programme in the light of Lakatos methodology; in chapter 4 I will present and discuss Richard Dawid's philosophy and its application to the string theory research programme; in the conclusion I will give the final results of the analysis.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Nespeca, Vincenzo
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
string theory,Lakatos,Richard Dawid,Philosophy,Methodology,Landscape
Data di discussione della Tesi
31 Marzo 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Nespeca, Vincenzo
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
string theory,Lakatos,Richard Dawid,Philosophy,Methodology,Landscape
Data di discussione della Tesi
31 Marzo 2023
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