Lodhi, Waleed
Numerical Investigation on Flat-Top Beam Arrays for Wireless Power Transfer in the Millimeter-Wave Range.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Telecommunications engineering [LM-DM270]
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This thesis aims to analyze a far-field WPT link at mm-Wave proposing a transmitter i.e. 10x10 planar dipole antenna array operating at 31 GHz that radiates a ‘flat-top beam’ for uniform power distribution on the receiver side. The proposed link's reception system is made up of a number of single patch antennas that are arranged in space to completely cover the area invested by the flat radiation. To investigate the behavior of the flat-top beam, two different excitation configurations (in terms of amplitude and phase) were applied. The two configurations were named “Configuration 1” (in which the excitation was applied in a 1-dimensional way) and “Configuration 2D” (which had the excitation applied in a 2-dimensional manner) and the flatness was optimized through amplitude and phase variation.
The receiving system can be viewed as a DC combiner because each patch antenna has a separate rectifier circuit that can collect RF power and convert it to DC. All the DC contributions were summed to compare the RF to DC efficiency of the entire mm-Wave for the two flat-top configurations. After comparing the results at different distances between the transmitting array and the receiving system for the two configurations, it was found that configuration 1 produced better results in terms of RF-DC efficiency per patch element whereas, configuration 2D produced better overall results in terms of total rectified power by the receiving system because a large number of receiving antennas could be accumulated inside the area covered by the beam. The average RF-DC efficiency was almost constant for every receiving patch which was a consequence of constant received power which was achieved through the flat-top beam
This thesis aims to analyze a far-field WPT link at mm-Wave proposing a transmitter i.e. 10x10 planar dipole antenna array operating at 31 GHz that radiates a ‘flat-top beam’ for uniform power distribution on the receiver side. The proposed link's reception system is made up of a number of single patch antennas that are arranged in space to completely cover the area invested by the flat radiation. To investigate the behavior of the flat-top beam, two different excitation configurations (in terms of amplitude and phase) were applied. The two configurations were named “Configuration 1” (in which the excitation was applied in a 1-dimensional way) and “Configuration 2D” (which had the excitation applied in a 2-dimensional manner) and the flatness was optimized through amplitude and phase variation.
The receiving system can be viewed as a DC combiner because each patch antenna has a separate rectifier circuit that can collect RF power and convert it to DC. All the DC contributions were summed to compare the RF to DC efficiency of the entire mm-Wave for the two flat-top configurations. After comparing the results at different distances between the transmitting array and the receiving system for the two configurations, it was found that configuration 1 produced better results in terms of RF-DC efficiency per patch element whereas, configuration 2D produced better overall results in terms of total rectified power by the receiving system because a large number of receiving antennas could be accumulated inside the area covered by the beam. The average RF-DC efficiency was almost constant for every receiving patch which was a consequence of constant received power which was achieved through the flat-top beam
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Lodhi, Waleed
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Array Theory,Wireless Power Transfer,Flat-Top Beam,Design of 10x10 Planar Dipole Array,Excitation for Flat-top Beam,Configuration 1,Configuration 2D,Rectification Efficiency at the Receiver Side,Computation of the Area Invested by the Flat-Top Beam,Rectified Power and RF-DC Efficiency
Data di discussione della Tesi
22 Marzo 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Lodhi, Waleed
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Array Theory,Wireless Power Transfer,Flat-Top Beam,Design of 10x10 Planar Dipole Array,Excitation for Flat-top Beam,Configuration 1,Configuration 2D,Rectification Efficiency at the Receiver Side,Computation of the Area Invested by the Flat-Top Beam,Rectified Power and RF-DC Efficiency
Data di discussione della Tesi
22 Marzo 2023
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