Evaluation of the sustainability level of a dairy and poultry farm: The Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation (RISE) method

Valdinoci, Lucia (2022) Evaluation of the sustainability level of a dairy and poultry farm: The Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation (RISE) method. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Scienze e tecnologie alimentari [LM-DM270] - Cesena
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Within this master thesis, various aspects related to the issue of sustainability in the food sector were addressed, focusing on the greenhouse gas emissions derived from livestock production. The increment in population number and wealth is directly related to the growing demand for meat products, which is, in turn, related to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers are becoming more and more aware of these environmental issues and, therefore, sustainability factors are becoming even more relevant also from the environmental point of view. A very useful tool in this field is Response-Inducing Sustainability Evaluation (RISE), a software that allows you to determine the sustainability of a farm under many aspects, like energy consumption, livestock management and soil use. The RISE software processes the information obtained through a questionnaire submitted by the farmer, in which 10 different areas of sustainability in the farm are covered. For each theme, the results are expressed clearly with a score that goes from 0 to 100. The experimentation discussed in this work included two different projects, one regarding a dairy farm and the other regarding a poultry farm. The first one was conducted on a dairy farm in Germany and the results allowed to highlight the weakest areas of the farm on which recommendations were given for ecological improvement. The second project was conducted on a chicken broiler farm in Italy, on an experimental basis since it was the first time that the software was applied to poultry. The results pointed out the aspects that can be improved in the RISE software in order to make it more suitable for future poultry studies.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Valdinoci, Lucia
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
sustainability evaluation,livestock farming,dairy farm,poultry farm,GHG emissions
Data di discussione della Tesi
31 Maggio 2022

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