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In order to increase fertility of agricultural soils, in the framework of circular economy, the use of soil amendments such as biochar, compost, and mixtures of the two, has been implemented in recent years.
Although it has been demonstrated that their use can improve the physico-chemical characteristics of soil and plant yield, few studies investigated the effect of these amendments on the soil fauna, and consequently the biological quality of soils.
This study aimed to provide information on soil fauna, in particular microarthropods , in plots of an experimental vineyard treated with different soil amendments (biochar, compost, and CB mix, i.e. a mixture of biochar and compost) compared to untreated plots.
What emerged from this study is that taxa abundances are significantly increased in compost-treated soil samples compared to untreated and CB mix ones. The value of the QBS-ar index obtained in soil samples treated with CB mix is lower than in samples treated with compost, biochar, and untreated, although the difference was not statistically significant.
The physico-chemical soil characteristics are, in general, significantly more favorable in samples treated with CB mix than in the control, although the soil fauna seems to be partially negatively influenced by the treatment with CB mix.
In fact, the number of taxa, in particular the number of taxa most adapted to edaphic life, are significantly negatively affected by the application of the CB mix.
Concluding, improved physico-chemical characteristics induced by soil amendments do not always correspond to a positive response of the soil fauna, at least with respect to the QBS-ar approach.
In order to increase fertility of agricultural soils, in the framework of circular economy, the use of soil amendments such as biochar, compost, and mixtures of the two, has been implemented in recent years.
Although it has been demonstrated that their use can improve the physico-chemical characteristics of soil and plant yield, few studies investigated the effect of these amendments on the soil fauna, and consequently the biological quality of soils.
This study aimed to provide information on soil fauna, in particular microarthropods , in plots of an experimental vineyard treated with different soil amendments (biochar, compost, and CB mix, i.e. a mixture of biochar and compost) compared to untreated plots.
What emerged from this study is that taxa abundances are significantly increased in compost-treated soil samples compared to untreated and CB mix ones. The value of the QBS-ar index obtained in soil samples treated with CB mix is lower than in samples treated with compost, biochar, and untreated, although the difference was not statistically significant.
The physico-chemical soil characteristics are, in general, significantly more favorable in samples treated with CB mix than in the control, although the soil fauna seems to be partially negatively influenced by the treatment with CB mix.
In fact, the number of taxa, in particular the number of taxa most adapted to edaphic life, are significantly negatively affected by the application of the CB mix.
Concluding, improved physico-chemical characteristics induced by soil amendments do not always correspond to a positive response of the soil fauna, at least with respect to the QBS-ar approach.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Piccolo, Celeste
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
soil amendments, compost, biochar, CB mix, QBS-ar, ecological indexes, taxa abundances, statistical analysis, PERMANOVA, chemical-physical variables
Data di discussione della Tesi
27 Maggio 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Piccolo, Celeste
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
soil amendments, compost, biochar, CB mix, QBS-ar, ecological indexes, taxa abundances, statistical analysis, PERMANOVA, chemical-physical variables
Data di discussione della Tesi
27 Maggio 2022
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