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This thesis is a report of the work of a six-months internship in imec, a R&D hub for nano- and
digital technologies based in Leuven, Belgium.
During this internship I worked on the characterization of enhancement-mode GaN-based lateral HEMT devices with p-GaN gate, aiming to understand the impact of different process
variations, device layout and architecture on the electrical performance and reliability of the
devices. After the first essential steps that included the study of the basics about device
structure, fabrication and operations and literature review, I started to plan experiments and
characterization routines with a focus on gate and OFF-state reliability and I performed the
measurements and the data elaboration.
The first chapter of this elaborate will present an overview on the field of power electronics:
its relation to the theme of climate change and the state of its market nowadays.
Then a presentation of p-GaN HEMT devices will follow, explaining the working of the
transistor and all its fabrication options and issues.
After that, the report will get into the real work done during the internship: two chapters will
explain all the experimental details of the measurements and present the obtained results and
A final chapter will in the end summarize the results and draw some conclusions.
This thesis is a report of the work of a six-months internship in imec, a R&D hub for nano- and
digital technologies based in Leuven, Belgium.
During this internship I worked on the characterization of enhancement-mode GaN-based lateral HEMT devices with p-GaN gate, aiming to understand the impact of different process
variations, device layout and architecture on the electrical performance and reliability of the
devices. After the first essential steps that included the study of the basics about device
structure, fabrication and operations and literature review, I started to plan experiments and
characterization routines with a focus on gate and OFF-state reliability and I performed the
measurements and the data elaboration.
The first chapter of this elaborate will present an overview on the field of power electronics:
its relation to the theme of climate change and the state of its market nowadays.
Then a presentation of p-GaN HEMT devices will follow, explaining the working of the
transistor and all its fabrication options and issues.
After that, the report will get into the real work done during the internship: two chapters will
explain all the experimental details of the measurements and present the obtained results and
A final chapter will in the end summarize the results and draw some conclusions.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Macrelli, Elena
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
gallium nitride,GaN,power electronics,transistor,semiconductors
Data di discussione della Tesi
1 Ottobre 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Macrelli, Elena
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
gallium nitride,GaN,power electronics,transistor,semiconductors
Data di discussione della Tesi
1 Ottobre 2021
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