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The Earth gets warmer primarily as a result of human activity, which results in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, most notably carbon dioxide, CO2. Increasing carbon dioxide concentration brings many problems with itself such as climate change, global warming, freshwater issues, reduced soil productivity, increasing acid rains, human health issues, extinction of species and more. And developing countries have a huge share in this increase in carbon dioxide emissions. To tackle with undesirable change, new missions and technologies are needed. In the coming decades, a carbon capture, utilisation, and storage appears to be a viable problem-solving technology. Developed countries started to use these technologies, demonstrating that although zero-emission is currently unlikely, reducing pollution is entirely feasible.
This paper mainly focus on this relationship and provide information for developing countries to shift from linear economy to circular economy. The idea of a "circular economy" (CE) is quickly gaining traction as a new model for sustainable development. A circular economy is one in which goods, gases and materials are removed, recycled, repaired, and reused rather than discarded, and waste from one manufacturing process is turned into a valuable input.
The research development scenario aims to increase the number of CCUS plants which result with decreasing of carbon dioxide emissions. The scenario says that, four factories should come together and construct one carbon capture, utilisation and storage plant. One of the main part of this idea is capturing process begins where the greenhouse gas emit to the atmosphere. Those gases absorbed by special adsorbers and transported to main pipeline by polyethylene pipelines. The main pipeline takes all the absorbed gases to the CCUS plants. By using this system, emitted carbon dioxide will be captured before mixing to air or atmosphere.
The Earth gets warmer primarily as a result of human activity, which results in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, most notably carbon dioxide, CO2. Increasing carbon dioxide concentration brings many problems with itself such as climate change, global warming, freshwater issues, reduced soil productivity, increasing acid rains, human health issues, extinction of species and more. And developing countries have a huge share in this increase in carbon dioxide emissions. To tackle with undesirable change, new missions and technologies are needed. In the coming decades, a carbon capture, utilisation, and storage appears to be a viable problem-solving technology. Developed countries started to use these technologies, demonstrating that although zero-emission is currently unlikely, reducing pollution is entirely feasible.
This paper mainly focus on this relationship and provide information for developing countries to shift from linear economy to circular economy. The idea of a "circular economy" (CE) is quickly gaining traction as a new model for sustainable development. A circular economy is one in which goods, gases and materials are removed, recycled, repaired, and reused rather than discarded, and waste from one manufacturing process is turned into a valuable input.
The research development scenario aims to increase the number of CCUS plants which result with decreasing of carbon dioxide emissions. The scenario says that, four factories should come together and construct one carbon capture, utilisation and storage plant. One of the main part of this idea is capturing process begins where the greenhouse gas emit to the atmosphere. Those gases absorbed by special adsorbers and transported to main pipeline by polyethylene pipelines. The main pipeline takes all the absorbed gases to the CCUS plants. By using this system, emitted carbon dioxide will be captured before mixing to air or atmosphere.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Ismayilli, Heydar
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
circular economy,carbon capture,circular carbon economy,CCUS in developing countries,Circular economy in developing countries,utilisation of carbon dioxide,cost of CCS,climate change in developing countries
Data di discussione della Tesi
28 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Ismayilli, Heydar
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
circular economy,carbon capture,circular carbon economy,CCUS in developing countries,Circular economy in developing countries,utilisation of carbon dioxide,cost of CCS,climate change in developing countries
Data di discussione della Tesi
28 Maggio 2021
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