La qualità nella traduzione audiovisiva all'epoca delle piattaforme VOD - due sitcom a confronto

Gianfranceschi, Fernando (2021) La qualità nella traduzione audiovisiva all'epoca delle piattaforme VOD - due sitcom a confronto. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Specialized translation [LM-DM270] - Forli'
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In the last decade, streaming platforms for the distribution of multimedial contents have gained an increasing market share over traditional and satellite TV broadcasters. But what is the average quality level of the dubbings and subtitlings which these new players perform? Do the differences between the two mediums have any influence on the planning and/or execution of these processes? This dissertation was born from the desire to answer these two questions with regard to a particular type of audiovisual serial products: situation comedies. After the first three theoretical chapters, where the main concepts concerning audiovisual translation (chapter I), cultural aspects (chapter II) and humour in translation (chapter III) are introduced, the fourth chapter presents a comparative analysis between the dubbed text and the subtitled text of two series, namely a) The Office (USA) and b) #blackAF, the former available in Prime Video's Italian catalogue and the latter included in Netflix's catalogue. The analysis of The Office allowed a comparison - albeit limited in scope - between dubbing for television (The Office) and dubbing for streaming platforms (#blackAF). The results of the analysis indicate a significantly better quality of the dubbed and subtitled text and a generally greater attention to detail in the case of the Netflix series. The comparison between the adaptations of The Office did not show significant improvements in the subtitles both in terms of translating solutions or the formal aspect, as demonstrated by the significant presence of mistakes. While taking into account the limitations of the analysis carried out, the emerging results may constitute a basis on which to develop new researches, which will hopefully contribute to shed light on the new trends and current popular practices in the varied and constantly evolving field of audiovisual translation.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Gianfranceschi, Fernando
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
AVT,humor translation,Situation comedy,culture in translation,streaming platforms,Netflix,Prime Video
Data di discussione della Tesi
24 Maggio 2021

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