Fast simulation of the MUonE 2021 test run setup

Spedicato, Eugenia (2021) Fast simulation of the MUonE 2021 test run setup. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Physics [LM-DM270]
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This thesis contributes to the study of the electromagnetic calorimeter performances and to the clarification of its role in the selection of mu-e elastic scattering events for the MUonE experiment.Together with the tracking system, the calorimeter constitutes the prototype detector for 2021 the Test Run(TR).One of the main proposals of this thesis is the development of the fast simulation for the calorimeter response, in the working condition expected in the TR.Given a generated set of NLO events, consisting in high energy muons scattering on electrons at rest with prefixed kinematical conditions, it has been developed the procedure which generalizes kinematical scattering conditions considering the kinematical properties of the beam:its angular divergence and its spatial profile (beam spot).NLO events include the case of one real photon radiation.It has been simulated the propagation of particles across light targets and tracking stations, considering the deflection given by MCS, until particles have reached the calorimeter face. Its response has been simulated by means of a fast simulation that has been developed relying on an existing parametrization(GFLASH) also used by CMS.The simulation code has been validated successfully, comparing the results with the expected ones, published by the authors of the model.Thus, it has been studied the distribution of the energy released by particles in the calorimeter cells.The two simulation codes (for the propagation and for the calorimeter response) were unified in a single algorithm,through which a complete study of the events topology expected in the TR was carried out. This tool enabled to identify selection criteria for elastic events within the full NLO set.Three different criteria were proposed which seem to identify efficiently the interesting events. Selections are mainly based on calorimetric information.The thesis clarifies, at least in part, the precious role that this detector may have in the final experiment.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Spedicato, Eugenia
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
MUonE,elastic scattering,anomaly,muon anomaly,anomalous magnetic moment,g-2,hadronic vacuum polarization contribution,particle physics,CERN,fast stimulation,calorimeter,event selection
Data di discussione della Tesi
26 Marzo 2021

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