Study of low environmental coating products: bio-based water products and solvent based products deriving from PET recycling.

Piovani, Laura (2021) Study of low environmental coating products: bio-based water products and solvent based products deriving from PET recycling. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Low carbon technologies and sustainable chemistry [LM-DM270], Documento full-text non disponibile
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In this study three different projects are presented.The first consist in the analysis of two different bio resins with which a white and a transparent water-based base coat, a transparent water-based top coat and a water-based hydro-oil are formulated, applied and characterized, replacing the fossil based resins. First, the two bio resins are analyzed in terms of compatibility with other resins, additives and solvents and then the products formulated are characterized in terms of viscosity and chemical resistances. After the application, the products are analyzed in terms of filming capacity. The second project consists in formulating a coating system using the bio resin, suitable for use on bamboo toothbrushes in order to avoid the formation of mold. In particular two different formulations with two different viscosities are tested after having subjected the toothbrush to different pre-treatments based on H2O2 30 volumes, saturated solution of AgNO3. The third project consists in the formulation of two solvent-based clear coating systems: a base coat with a matte top coat and a base coat with a glossy top coat. For both systems an alkyd resin is used, whose fatty acid part consists of olive fatty acids, containing 12-14% recycled PET. The two system are formulated, applied and characterized in terms of viscosity, specific weight, transparency, elasticity, sand ability and chemical resistances. A comparison is made with the same products produced using the fossil based resins.The results show that the products formulated using the bio resins have similar characteristics of the standard resins therefore the bio products can replace the fossil based one. The toothbrushes coated with the coating system using the two new formulations are more resistant to the formation of mold. Finally, the two solvent-based coating system formulated using a resin containing PET can replace a coating system formulated with fossil based resin as they present similar characteristics.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Piovani, Laura
Relatore della tesi
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Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Bio-resins,water-based coatings,solvent-based coatings,PET recycling,Base-coat,Top-coat,low environmental impact coatings
Data di discussione della Tesi
26 Marzo 2021

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