Al Daher, Nour El Huda
Performance analysis and market evaluation of a low cost spectrum analyzer for IOT testing platform.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Telecommunications engineering [LM-DM270]
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This project is about designing, developing and controlling an electromechanical test bench which will be used for parallel radio spectrum measurements of company produced devices. In general the aim is to utilize all the available tools to decrease the time of testing and optimize it.
The created application was developed in python language over Linux, and has the role to check, process, and send information feedback for instance power and frequency for LoRa Devices using spectrum analyzer “LTDZ”.
In order to read the signal we needed to setup the right parameters that match the SA, and define in my software the samples number, step size, frequency range and others. In addition in the way how to translate the data received in a readable values.
If the signal as expected we continue the process to assign specification for the device, and print them to be delivered to users with each LoRa device. Otherwise a warning led is turning under the desire device using the GPIO in the BeagleBone Black.
This single process must be integrated to test an array of LoRa devices using multiple LTDZ spectrum analyzers in order to check the signals in parallel and simultaneously.
The achieved goal after testing was positive, even though the spectrum analyzer had some limitations needed to be solved. In conclusion we are able to get the desired power in the specified frequency.
This project is about designing, developing and controlling an electromechanical test bench which will be used for parallel radio spectrum measurements of company produced devices. In general the aim is to utilize all the available tools to decrease the time of testing and optimize it.
The created application was developed in python language over Linux, and has the role to check, process, and send information feedback for instance power and frequency for LoRa Devices using spectrum analyzer “LTDZ”.
In order to read the signal we needed to setup the right parameters that match the SA, and define in my software the samples number, step size, frequency range and others. In addition in the way how to translate the data received in a readable values.
If the signal as expected we continue the process to assign specification for the device, and print them to be delivered to users with each LoRa device. Otherwise a warning led is turning under the desire device using the GPIO in the BeagleBone Black.
This single process must be integrated to test an array of LoRa devices using multiple LTDZ spectrum analyzers in order to check the signals in parallel and simultaneously.
The achieved goal after testing was positive, even though the spectrum analyzer had some limitations needed to be solved. In conclusion we are able to get the desired power in the specified frequency.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Al Daher, Nour El Huda
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
IOT,Linux,BeagleBone,C++,EBI Tester,LoRa,Python,spectrum analyzer,ISM,CSS,RBW
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Al Daher, Nour El Huda
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
IOT,Linux,BeagleBone,C++,EBI Tester,LoRa,Python,spectrum analyzer,ISM,CSS,RBW
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2021
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