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In this thesis we investigated the MQTT protocol, which results in being a valid solution for data transmission in an IoT solution. After having explored the main communication protocols, we focused on the main features of the MQTT that has been selected for our application. To this purpose, a MQTT broker has been created on Node-RED, while the remaining elements of the application have been developed on MATLAB. In particular, we exploited the MQTT and the Database toolboxes: the former is used to exchange data between two PCs through the MQTT protocol, while the latter is necessary to insert data into a database. Before describing the application, we discussed the relevance of databases and the one we have chosen for our need.
The application we implemented showed how to transmit smart data between different devices on the same network through the MQTT protocol, with the aim to store information in a central database on PostgreSQL. The architecture built could be easily generalized and therefore applied in a real industrial case, as the possibility to centralize data generated from several machine controllers is becoming a fundamental requirement for industries.
In summary, the aim of this paper is to create a new communication exchange information data between machines in an industry, home or any other domain by using the lightweight protocol communication call MQTT. Although Node-Red, MatLAb, Postgres can be written in different program language, they can share each other information, data to manage, control and monitoring entire system without using any cable to link the machine but only an Internet connection. IIoT becomes more popular nowadays.
In this thesis we investigated the MQTT protocol, which results in being a valid solution for data transmission in an IoT solution. After having explored the main communication protocols, we focused on the main features of the MQTT that has been selected for our application. To this purpose, a MQTT broker has been created on Node-RED, while the remaining elements of the application have been developed on MATLAB. In particular, we exploited the MQTT and the Database toolboxes: the former is used to exchange data between two PCs through the MQTT protocol, while the latter is necessary to insert data into a database. Before describing the application, we discussed the relevance of databases and the one we have chosen for our need.
The application we implemented showed how to transmit smart data between different devices on the same network through the MQTT protocol, with the aim to store information in a central database on PostgreSQL. The architecture built could be easily generalized and therefore applied in a real industrial case, as the possibility to centralize data generated from several machine controllers is becoming a fundamental requirement for industries.
In summary, the aim of this paper is to create a new communication exchange information data between machines in an industry, home or any other domain by using the lightweight protocol communication call MQTT. Although Node-Red, MatLAb, Postgres can be written in different program language, they can share each other information, data to manage, control and monitoring entire system without using any cable to link the machine but only an Internet connection. IIoT becomes more popular nowadays.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Ngouakang, Ive Marcial
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Using the MQTT to implement an IIoT infrastructure,MQTT communication protocol in an IoT,Client-Server/broker communication over IoT,Publish/Subscribe – Broker communication in IoT,MQTT and Node-Red for IIoT/IoT,MQTT and MatLab for IoT,MQTT MatLab publish/Subscribe in IoT,MatLab Data Explorer in IoT,PostgreSQL database for IIoT,MQTT and IIoT for machine learning
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Luglio 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Ngouakang, Ive Marcial
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Using the MQTT to implement an IIoT infrastructure,MQTT communication protocol in an IoT,Client-Server/broker communication over IoT,Publish/Subscribe – Broker communication in IoT,MQTT and Node-Red for IIoT/IoT,MQTT and MatLab for IoT,MQTT MatLab publish/Subscribe in IoT,MatLab Data Explorer in IoT,PostgreSQL database for IIoT,MQTT and IIoT for machine learning
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Luglio 2020
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