Muhammad, Jan
Application Deployment in Relay Based Edge Computing Scenarios.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Ingegneria elettronica [LM-DM270], Documento ad accesso riservato.
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Fog computing is a developing model as an innovative approach to increase the capacity of the cloud computing platform, which has been proposed to expand the Internet of Things (IoT) task to the edge of the network. Fog computing and edge computing are similar; both of them are promised to maximize the computing capabilities inside the local network to accomplish the computational responsibilities. Both computing mechanics can support systems to reduce their dependence on cloud-based platform to examine data, which usually directs to latency problems. The IoT brings to an ever-widening existence of ubiquitous networking devices in business, private and public areas. These networked computing devices feature storage, computational, and networking resources, instead of simply acting as a sensor. It is positioned at the edge of the network so that these resources can be used to execute the IoT applications in a distributed way. This idea is known as fog computing. We intensely propose relevant fog computing architecture.
Genetic Algorithm contributes the general framework for solving complicated problems as a kind of heuristic algorithm and this optimization technique is inspired by natural evolution. We work in this project concerning the application deployment for the IoT applications over fog resources as an optimization problem.
We propose three edge computing scenarios (centralized, distributed and random) with a relay in this work, so that the application execution can achieve the maximum probability, when these edge computing scenarios are used with a relay. Our numerical results illustrates that the with the relay based edge computing scenarios, we increase the probability of coverage and it shows that our work is successful.
Fog computing is a developing model as an innovative approach to increase the capacity of the cloud computing platform, which has been proposed to expand the Internet of Things (IoT) task to the edge of the network. Fog computing and edge computing are similar; both of them are promised to maximize the computing capabilities inside the local network to accomplish the computational responsibilities. Both computing mechanics can support systems to reduce their dependence on cloud-based platform to examine data, which usually directs to latency problems. The IoT brings to an ever-widening existence of ubiquitous networking devices in business, private and public areas. These networked computing devices feature storage, computational, and networking resources, instead of simply acting as a sensor. It is positioned at the edge of the network so that these resources can be used to execute the IoT applications in a distributed way. This idea is known as fog computing. We intensely propose relevant fog computing architecture.
Genetic Algorithm contributes the general framework for solving complicated problems as a kind of heuristic algorithm and this optimization technique is inspired by natural evolution. We work in this project concerning the application deployment for the IoT applications over fog resources as an optimization problem.
We propose three edge computing scenarios (centralized, distributed and random) with a relay in this work, so that the application execution can achieve the maximum probability, when these edge computing scenarios are used with a relay. Our numerical results illustrates that the with the relay based edge computing scenarios, we increase the probability of coverage and it shows that our work is successful.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Muhammad, Jan
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum: Electronics and communication science and technology
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Fog computing,Edge computing,Cloud computing,Internet of Things,Genetic Algorithms,Heuristic Algorithms,Relay Based,Optimization
Data di discussione della Tesi
11 Marzo 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Muhammad, Jan
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum: Electronics and communication science and technology
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Fog computing,Edge computing,Cloud computing,Internet of Things,Genetic Algorithms,Heuristic Algorithms,Relay Based,Optimization
Data di discussione della Tesi
11 Marzo 2020
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