Marcassoli, Giulia
Gli output dei sistemi di traduzione automatica neurale: valutazione della qualità di Google Translate e DeepL Translator nella combinazione tedesco-italiano.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Specialized translation [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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MT is becoming a powerful tool for professional translators, language service providers and common users. The present work focuses on its quality, evaluating the translations produced by two neural MT systems – i.e. Google Translate and DeepL Translator – through manual error annotation. The data set used for this task is composed of semi-specialized German texts translated into Italian. Aim of the present work is to assess the quality of MT outputs for the data set considered and obtain a detailed overview of the type of errors made by the two neural MT systems examined. The first part of this work provides a theoretical background for MT and its evaluation. Chapter 1 deals with the definition of MT and summarizes its history. Moreover, a detailed analysis of the different MT architectures is provided, as well as an overview of the possible application scenarios and the different categories of users. Chapter 2 introduces the notion of quality in the translation field and the main automatic and manual methods applied to MT quality assessment tasks. A comprehensive analysis of some of the most significant studies on neural and phrase-based MT systems output quality is then provided. The second part of this work presents a quality assessment of the output produced by two neural MT systems, i.e. Google Translation and DeepL Translator. The evaluation was performed through manual error annotation based on a fine-grained error taxonomy. Chapter 3 outlines the methodology followed during the evaluation, with a description of the dataset, the neural MT systems chosen for the study, the annotation tool and the taxonomy used during the annotation task. Chapter 4 provides the results of the evaluation and a comment thereof, offering examples extracted from the annotated data set. The final part of this work summarizes the major findings of the present contribution. Results are then discussed, with a focus on their implication for future work.
MT is becoming a powerful tool for professional translators, language service providers and common users. The present work focuses on its quality, evaluating the translations produced by two neural MT systems – i.e. Google Translate and DeepL Translator – through manual error annotation. The data set used for this task is composed of semi-specialized German texts translated into Italian. Aim of the present work is to assess the quality of MT outputs for the data set considered and obtain a detailed overview of the type of errors made by the two neural MT systems examined. The first part of this work provides a theoretical background for MT and its evaluation. Chapter 1 deals with the definition of MT and summarizes its history. Moreover, a detailed analysis of the different MT architectures is provided, as well as an overview of the possible application scenarios and the different categories of users. Chapter 2 introduces the notion of quality in the translation field and the main automatic and manual methods applied to MT quality assessment tasks. A comprehensive analysis of some of the most significant studies on neural and phrase-based MT systems output quality is then provided. The second part of this work presents a quality assessment of the output produced by two neural MT systems, i.e. Google Translation and DeepL Translator. The evaluation was performed through manual error annotation based on a fine-grained error taxonomy. Chapter 3 outlines the methodology followed during the evaluation, with a description of the dataset, the neural MT systems chosen for the study, the annotation tool and the taxonomy used during the annotation task. Chapter 4 provides the results of the evaluation and a comment thereof, offering examples extracted from the annotated data set. The final part of this work summarizes the major findings of the present contribution. Results are then discussed, with a focus on their implication for future work.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Marcassoli, Giulia
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
traduzione automatica,TA,machine translation,MT,neural machine translation,quality assessment,error annotation,Google Translate,DeepL Translator,machine translation evaluation
Data di discussione della Tesi
17 Dicembre 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Marcassoli, Giulia
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
traduzione automatica,TA,machine translation,MT,neural machine translation,quality assessment,error annotation,Google Translate,DeepL Translator,machine translation evaluation
Data di discussione della Tesi
17 Dicembre 2019
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