Esposito, Antonella
Tradurre per il web: proposta di localizzazione del sito Drimify, una piattaforma di gamification.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Specialized translation [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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The present dissertation focuses on the process of localization carried out to create an Italian version of the English website Drimify is a gamification platform, owned by the creative digital agency Drimlike, that offers its clients an original way of handling the relationship with the customers and the employees through applications inspired by famous game concepts. The website was chosen as protagonist of the localization project discussed in the thesis mainly for the originality of its contents and the peculiar tone of its texts, a perfect compromise between a specialized language and a more informal, persuasive one. It also represented an opportunity to investigate with more attention the interesting relationship between translation and technology.
The first chapter gives an overview of the topic of localization, with all the processes strictly connected to it within the GILT model. It also presents the phases through which the process of localization is normally structured, with particular emphasis on the localization of websites. The second chapter deals with Internet and websites, describing not only their main features and components, but also the needs of their users and the best strategies related to usability and SEO. The third chapter aims at explaining the importance of textual typology for translation and localization, focusing on the features of promotional texts; it also briefly outlines the basic notions underlying the domain of gamification. Finally, the last two chapters describe the localization project in detail: on one hand, the fourth chapter contains an overview of the terminological resources created ad hoc for the translation (a termbase and two comparable corpora), and the instruments used during the process, in particular, the CAT tool SDL Trados Studio; on the other hand, the fifth chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the website and discusses the main translation strategies.
The present dissertation focuses on the process of localization carried out to create an Italian version of the English website Drimify is a gamification platform, owned by the creative digital agency Drimlike, that offers its clients an original way of handling the relationship with the customers and the employees through applications inspired by famous game concepts. The website was chosen as protagonist of the localization project discussed in the thesis mainly for the originality of its contents and the peculiar tone of its texts, a perfect compromise between a specialized language and a more informal, persuasive one. It also represented an opportunity to investigate with more attention the interesting relationship between translation and technology.
The first chapter gives an overview of the topic of localization, with all the processes strictly connected to it within the GILT model. It also presents the phases through which the process of localization is normally structured, with particular emphasis on the localization of websites. The second chapter deals with Internet and websites, describing not only their main features and components, but also the needs of their users and the best strategies related to usability and SEO. The third chapter aims at explaining the importance of textual typology for translation and localization, focusing on the features of promotional texts; it also briefly outlines the basic notions underlying the domain of gamification. Finally, the last two chapters describe the localization project in detail: on one hand, the fourth chapter contains an overview of the terminological resources created ad hoc for the translation (a termbase and two comparable corpora), and the instruments used during the process, in particular, the CAT tool SDL Trados Studio; on the other hand, the fifth chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the website and discusses the main translation strategies.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Esposito, Antonella
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
localizzazione,siti web,Internet,traduzione,gamification,GILT,usabilità,computer-assisted translation
Data di discussione della Tesi
17 Dicembre 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Esposito, Antonella
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
localizzazione,siti web,Internet,traduzione,gamification,GILT,usabilità,computer-assisted translation
Data di discussione della Tesi
17 Dicembre 2019
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