Poli, Nicola
3D electrocatalysts for the selective glucose oxidation.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Chimica industriale [LM-DM270]
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Nowadays, one of the most important scientific and environmental concern is to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels. The use of lignocellulosic biomass makes it possible to produce important platform molecules such as D-glucose, which is used to synthesize high value-added chemical products such as gluconic acid (GO) and glucaric acid (GA). Moreover, the electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose shows advantages compared to the classical synthesis route, such as the use of non-toxic reactants and milder conditions, making the process greener and more sustainable.
In this work, electrocatalysts based on open-cell Ni metal foams were investigated for the glucose electrooxidation. They were used as supplied, oxidized at 500°C and 600°C, and after electrodeposition of Ni(OH)2. The electrocatalysts were characterized by cyclic voltammetry in NaOH solution 0.1M and in a basic D-glucose solution with different glucose concentrations (10mM and 50mM). The effect of the potential applied, the glucose concentration and the reaction time on conversion, selectivity and faradic efficiency were also investigated. 3D Ni electrocatalyst showed promising activity in the conversion of glucose towards gluconic acid, the sample calcined at 500°C showing the best results.
Nowadays, one of the most important scientific and environmental concern is to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels. The use of lignocellulosic biomass makes it possible to produce important platform molecules such as D-glucose, which is used to synthesize high value-added chemical products such as gluconic acid (GO) and glucaric acid (GA). Moreover, the electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose shows advantages compared to the classical synthesis route, such as the use of non-toxic reactants and milder conditions, making the process greener and more sustainable.
In this work, electrocatalysts based on open-cell Ni metal foams were investigated for the glucose electrooxidation. They were used as supplied, oxidized at 500°C and 600°C, and after electrodeposition of Ni(OH)2. The electrocatalysts were characterized by cyclic voltammetry in NaOH solution 0.1M and in a basic D-glucose solution with different glucose concentrations (10mM and 50mM). The effect of the potential applied, the glucose concentration and the reaction time on conversion, selectivity and faradic efficiency were also investigated. 3D Ni electrocatalyst showed promising activity in the conversion of glucose towards gluconic acid, the sample calcined at 500°C showing the best results.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Poli, Nicola
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
D-glucose open-cell Ni metal foam electrochemical oxidation gluconic acid glucaric acid
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Poli, Nicola
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
D-glucose open-cell Ni metal foam electrochemical oxidation gluconic acid glucaric acid
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2019
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