Prandi, Francesco
Determinazione gascromatografica di composti organici volatili e semi-volatili (VOCs e SVOCs) in poliolefine ed effetti delle condizioni di lavorazione.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Chimica industriale [LM-DM270]
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A relevant problem of polyolefins processing is the presence of volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) such as linear chains alkanes found out in final products.
These VOCs can be detected by customers from the unpleasant smelt and can be an environmental issue, at the same time they can cause negative side effects during process.
Since no previously standardized analytical techniques for polymeric matrix are available in bibliography, we have implemented different VOCs extraction methods and gaschromatographic analysis for quali-quantitative studies of such compounds. In literature different procedures can be found including microwave extraction (MAE) and thermo desorption (TDS) used with different purposes. TDS coupled with GC-MS are necessary for the identification of different compounds in the polymer matrix. Although the quantitative determination is complex, the results obtained from TDS/GC-MS show that by-products are mainly linear chains oligomers with even number of carbon in a C8-C22 range (for HDPE). In order to quantify these linear alkanes by-products, a more accurate GC-FID determination with internal standard has been run on MAE extracts. Regardless the type of extruder used, it is difficult to distinguish the effect of the various processes, which in any case entails having a lower-boiling substance content, lower than the corresponding virgin polymer. The two HDPEs studied can be distinguished on the basis of the quantity of analytes found, therefore the production process is mainly responsible for the amount of VOCs and SVOCs observed. The extruder technology used by Sacmi SC allows to obtain a significant reduction in VOCs compared to the conventional screw system. Thus, the result is significantly important as a lower quantity of volatile substances certainly leads to a lower migration of such materials, especially when used for food packaging.
A relevant problem of polyolefins processing is the presence of volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) such as linear chains alkanes found out in final products.
These VOCs can be detected by customers from the unpleasant smelt and can be an environmental issue, at the same time they can cause negative side effects during process.
Since no previously standardized analytical techniques for polymeric matrix are available in bibliography, we have implemented different VOCs extraction methods and gaschromatographic analysis for quali-quantitative studies of such compounds. In literature different procedures can be found including microwave extraction (MAE) and thermo desorption (TDS) used with different purposes. TDS coupled with GC-MS are necessary for the identification of different compounds in the polymer matrix. Although the quantitative determination is complex, the results obtained from TDS/GC-MS show that by-products are mainly linear chains oligomers with even number of carbon in a C8-C22 range (for HDPE). In order to quantify these linear alkanes by-products, a more accurate GC-FID determination with internal standard has been run on MAE extracts. Regardless the type of extruder used, it is difficult to distinguish the effect of the various processes, which in any case entails having a lower-boiling substance content, lower than the corresponding virgin polymer. The two HDPEs studied can be distinguished on the basis of the quantity of analytes found, therefore the production process is mainly responsible for the amount of VOCs and SVOCs observed. The extruder technology used by Sacmi SC allows to obtain a significant reduction in VOCs compared to the conventional screw system. Thus, the result is significantly important as a lower quantity of volatile substances certainly leads to a lower migration of such materials, especially when used for food packaging.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Prandi, Francesco
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
HDPE VOCs termodesorbimento microonde estrusione
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Prandi, Francesco
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
HDPE VOCs termodesorbimento microonde estrusione
Data di discussione della Tesi
25 Ottobre 2019
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