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Groundwater issues are among the most important sustainability studies related to topics considered as critical point for the future of planet Earth(Gleeson et al., 2010) in the perspective of a sustainable world. Analyses are focused on two complementary aspects: quantity and quality.Thus, once physical behaviour is analysed, it is coupled with chemical characterisation studies, in order to obtain a better view of an investigated site.The work begins with a brief overview of the literature which summarizes the challenges of teaching hydrogeology by theoretical lessons coupled with practical activities. The focus is on laboratory experiments implemented on physical models. In fact, to fully understand the process of groundwater flow and solute transport, and to demonstrate the basics fundamental concepts behind, it is important to visualize them in a lab-scale. This thesis is undertaken in the context of the installation of a 3D physical model at the University of Liège as a support to teaching and research works: dimension, set up, construction and support devices used for system optimal functioning are presented. The global aim of the work is to prepare everything needed to set up the sand tank. This is a fundamental step in order to be able to pre-dimension real experiments, to give ideas about the magnitude order of the expected results and to check the reliability of mathematical results and/or low-dimensionality models. Part of the document is centred on the characterization of porous aquifer materials to implement in the physical model, in particular through sand column one-dimensional lab experiments performed on four distinguished types of quartz sands (differentiated by the particles size) in particular a Constant Head Permeability Test and a Salt Tracer Test(KCl).A numerical model of the 3D tank is also developed by the use of GMS-MODFLOW-MT3DS and few experiments are simulated(gradient variation, pumping test at different pumping rates and tracer test).
Groundwater issues are among the most important sustainability studies related to topics considered as critical point for the future of planet Earth(Gleeson et al., 2010) in the perspective of a sustainable world. Analyses are focused on two complementary aspects: quantity and quality.Thus, once physical behaviour is analysed, it is coupled with chemical characterisation studies, in order to obtain a better view of an investigated site.The work begins with a brief overview of the literature which summarizes the challenges of teaching hydrogeology by theoretical lessons coupled with practical activities. The focus is on laboratory experiments implemented on physical models. In fact, to fully understand the process of groundwater flow and solute transport, and to demonstrate the basics fundamental concepts behind, it is important to visualize them in a lab-scale. This thesis is undertaken in the context of the installation of a 3D physical model at the University of Liège as a support to teaching and research works: dimension, set up, construction and support devices used for system optimal functioning are presented. The global aim of the work is to prepare everything needed to set up the sand tank. This is a fundamental step in order to be able to pre-dimension real experiments, to give ideas about the magnitude order of the expected results and to check the reliability of mathematical results and/or low-dimensionality models. Part of the document is centred on the characterization of porous aquifer materials to implement in the physical model, in particular through sand column one-dimensional lab experiments performed on four distinguished types of quartz sands (differentiated by the particles size) in particular a Constant Head Permeability Test and a Salt Tracer Test(KCl).A numerical model of the 3D tank is also developed by the use of GMS-MODFLOW-MT3DS and few experiments are simulated(gradient variation, pumping test at different pumping rates and tracer test).
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Balzani, Laura
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
3D Aquifer Model,Sandy aquifer,Unconfined aquifer,Pumping test,Tracer test,Steady state flow,Constant head permeability test
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Balzani, Laura
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
3D Aquifer Model,Sandy aquifer,Unconfined aquifer,Pumping test,Tracer test,Steady state flow,Constant head permeability test
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2019
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