Fiore Mosca, Dario
Quantum magnetism in relativistic osmates from first principles.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Fisica [LM-DM270]
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The interplay between electron correlation, local distortions and Spin Orbit Coupling is one of the most attractive phenomena in condensed matter Physics and have stimulated much attention in the last decade. In Osmates double perovskites the coupling between electronic, structural and orbital degrees of freedom leads to the formation of an unconventional magnetic phase, whose precise origin and characteristics are still not understood. In particular strong Spin Orbit Coupling effect is believed to occur and have a crucial role in enhancing multipolar exchange interactions in a fashion similar to the more studied 4f electron systems. In this thesis, by means of first principles calculations, we study the structural, electronic and magnetic proprieties of the Mott insulating Ba2NaOsO6 with Osmium in 5d1 electron configuration within the fully relativistic Density Functional Theory plus on site Hubbard U (DFT + U) scheme. We find that the system is subjected to local symmetry breaking and that the magnetic ground state is strongly dependent on the on site Coulomb interaction. Furthermore, by mapping the energy onto a Pseudospin Hamiltonian, we are capable to prove that quadrupolar and octupolar exchanges play a significant role. We repeated the study for Ba2CaOsO6 with Os in 5d2 electronic configuration as a preliminary step for understanding if phase transitions are possible when Ba2NaOsO6 is doped.
The interplay between electron correlation, local distortions and Spin Orbit Coupling is one of the most attractive phenomena in condensed matter Physics and have stimulated much attention in the last decade. In Osmates double perovskites the coupling between electronic, structural and orbital degrees of freedom leads to the formation of an unconventional magnetic phase, whose precise origin and characteristics are still not understood. In particular strong Spin Orbit Coupling effect is believed to occur and have a crucial role in enhancing multipolar exchange interactions in a fashion similar to the more studied 4f electron systems. In this thesis, by means of first principles calculations, we study the structural, electronic and magnetic proprieties of the Mott insulating Ba2NaOsO6 with Osmium in 5d1 electron configuration within the fully relativistic Density Functional Theory plus on site Hubbard U (DFT + U) scheme. We find that the system is subjected to local symmetry breaking and that the magnetic ground state is strongly dependent on the on site Coulomb interaction. Furthermore, by mapping the energy onto a Pseudospin Hamiltonian, we are capable to prove that quadrupolar and octupolar exchanges play a significant role. We repeated the study for Ba2CaOsO6 with Os in 5d2 electronic configuration as a preliminary step for understanding if phase transitions are possible when Ba2NaOsO6 is doped.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Fiore Mosca, Dario
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum C: Fisica della materia
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Osmates Spin Orbit Coupling DFT Multipolar Exchange Interactions
Data di discussione della Tesi
22 Marzo 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Fiore Mosca, Dario
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Curriculum C: Fisica della materia
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Osmates Spin Orbit Coupling DFT Multipolar Exchange Interactions
Data di discussione della Tesi
22 Marzo 2019
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