Serra, Maria Chiara
Il Manuale della qualità di Oleodinamica Forlivese Srl: una proposta di revisione e sistematizzazione terminologica.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Specialized translation [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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This thesis was conceived in the context of the Language Toolkit project, a collaboration between the Romagna Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì. The project aims to allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in the Master’s Programme in Specialized Translation in a work environment, at the same time providing local companies with the opportunity to forward their internationalization goals. This thesis is the result of the collaboration with Oleodinamica Forlivese Srl, which expressed the need to update the translation of its Quality Manual from Italian into English. This thesis is centred on the work carried out in this context, which consisted in a revision of the existing translation and a terminological work. It is structured in five chapters. The first chapter describes in general terms the Language Toolkit project, the company, and the task initially assigned. The second chapter describes the process of quality management, regulated by the ISO standards 9000 and 9001. The third chapter is concerned with the theoretical principles that that are relevant for the revision and the terminological work. It introduces the concepts of special languages, normalization, terminology, its value for translation and the different approaches that can be adopted in terminology. The fourth chapter provides a description of the source text and its characteristics. It also illustrates the process of revising the translation and the reasons that prompted the realization of the terminological work. The fifth chapter describes the searches and the resources that were used in the terminological work, and the outcome that they produced: a simple bilingual termbase, the conceptual systems in Italian and English covering all the terms in the termbase, and the terminological records realized for the subdomain of the conceptual system called quality management system.
This thesis was conceived in the context of the Language Toolkit project, a collaboration between the Romagna Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì. The project aims to allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in the Master’s Programme in Specialized Translation in a work environment, at the same time providing local companies with the opportunity to forward their internationalization goals. This thesis is the result of the collaboration with Oleodinamica Forlivese Srl, which expressed the need to update the translation of its Quality Manual from Italian into English. This thesis is centred on the work carried out in this context, which consisted in a revision of the existing translation and a terminological work. It is structured in five chapters. The first chapter describes in general terms the Language Toolkit project, the company, and the task initially assigned. The second chapter describes the process of quality management, regulated by the ISO standards 9000 and 9001. The third chapter is concerned with the theoretical principles that that are relevant for the revision and the terminological work. It introduces the concepts of special languages, normalization, terminology, its value for translation and the different approaches that can be adopted in terminology. The fourth chapter provides a description of the source text and its characteristics. It also illustrates the process of revising the translation and the reasons that prompted the realization of the terminological work. The fifth chapter describes the searches and the resources that were used in the terminological work, and the outcome that they produced: a simple bilingual termbase, the conceptual systems in Italian and English covering all the terms in the termbase, and the terminological records realized for the subdomain of the conceptual system called quality management system.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Serra, Maria Chiara
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Language Toolkit,Terminologia,Revisione,Sistematizzazione terminologica,Termbase,Sistemi concettuali,Schede terminologiche
Data di discussione della Tesi
12 Marzo 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Serra, Maria Chiara
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Language Toolkit,Terminologia,Revisione,Sistematizzazione terminologica,Termbase,Sistemi concettuali,Schede terminologiche
Data di discussione della Tesi
12 Marzo 2019
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