Stabile, Martina
Tradurre per le piccole e medie imprese: localizzazione del sito web di Cora Seeds S.r.l.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Specialized translation [LM-DM270] - Forli'
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This thesis falls within the framework of the Language Toolkit project, born from the collaboration between the Romagna Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì. This project allows students to put into practice what they have learned over the course of their studies by carrying out internships in local companies.
Thanks to the collaboration with Cora Seeds Srl, the candidate localized part of the website from Italian into Russian.
The work is composed of four chapters. The first chapter briefly contextualizes the thesis project, introducing the company and describing the work to be carried out by the candidate. Furthermore, it analyzes the main points relating to the internationalization of companies, with particular focus to the linguistic and cultural skills necessary for this process.
The second chapter is a theoretical study on the topic of localization. It includes a brief historical overview of its evolution, an analysis of the GILT model, and a presentation of the various types of localization with particular attention to that of websites. It then proceeds to illustrate the phases and the professional figures usually involved in the localization process and the software available to them.
The third chapter is dedicated to the concepts of specialized languages and terminology. Moreover, the terminological work carried out in preparation for the translation work is presented in this section.
The fourth and final chapter focuses on the actual translation work. The first part is dedicated to the analysis of the entire site, with particular attention to the text to be localized. Thereafter follows a commentary on the translation, where the types of intervention adopted during the translation phase are explained through concrete examples extrapolated directly from the source and the target texts.
This thesis falls within the framework of the Language Toolkit project, born from the collaboration between the Romagna Chamber of Commerce and the Department of Interpretation and Translation of Forlì. This project allows students to put into practice what they have learned over the course of their studies by carrying out internships in local companies.
Thanks to the collaboration with Cora Seeds Srl, the candidate localized part of the website from Italian into Russian.
The work is composed of four chapters. The first chapter briefly contextualizes the thesis project, introducing the company and describing the work to be carried out by the candidate. Furthermore, it analyzes the main points relating to the internationalization of companies, with particular focus to the linguistic and cultural skills necessary for this process.
The second chapter is a theoretical study on the topic of localization. It includes a brief historical overview of its evolution, an analysis of the GILT model, and a presentation of the various types of localization with particular attention to that of websites. It then proceeds to illustrate the phases and the professional figures usually involved in the localization process and the software available to them.
The third chapter is dedicated to the concepts of specialized languages and terminology. Moreover, the terminological work carried out in preparation for the translation work is presented in this section.
The fourth and final chapter focuses on the actual translation work. The first part is dedicated to the analysis of the entire site, with particular attention to the text to be localized. Thereafter follows a commentary on the translation, where the types of intervention adopted during the translation phase are explained through concrete examples extrapolated directly from the source and the target texts.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Stabile, Martina
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
localizzazione,web localization,toolkit,progetto toolkit,локализация,localizzazione di siti web,terminologia,terminology,estrazione terminologica,corpora,GILT,sementi,lingue speciali,localization
Data di discussione della Tesi
19 Dicembre 2018
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Stabile, Martina
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
localizzazione,web localization,toolkit,progetto toolkit,локализация,localizzazione di siti web,terminologia,terminology,estrazione terminologica,corpora,GILT,sementi,lingue speciali,localization
Data di discussione della Tesi
19 Dicembre 2018
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