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Cross-talk is a common electromagnetic disturbance in electronic and telecommunication system but can occurs also in conductors of a typical LV transmission line. In the last years, with the development of the smart meters, has been inevitable the necessity to transmit information between meter-DSO and between meter-user across the already existing LV cable. Since the transmission line is composed by no-shielded conductors this phenomena occurs between close conductors. In the following thesis it is analyzed and modelled the cross-talk phenomenon, starting from a theoretical consideration regarding the transmission line and the cross-talk as generic phenomena. Then, the model is developed, firstly building a model for a generic transmission line and at a later stage a more complex model in order to verify the validity of the model in a real application. The results from theoretical model are the one expected. In the real case non ideal effect of the transmission line alter the measurements and generates attenuation that, in same cases, can not be negligible. Furthermore those phenomenon are more important for bigger transmission line system, thus the model accuracy starts to be lower for very long transmission line and very complex systems. Even these phenomenon occurs, the model built, generally, falls into a defined range of accuracy. This could be an important results for telecomunication purpose. In fact might happens that the transmitted line in a phase may be too attenuated, this means an incorrect data transmission between smart meter and concetrator. The cross-talk generates a signal into the adjacent conductors. Thus this undesired phenomena may be used to transmit data also in the other phases increasing the reliability of the data communication.
Cross-talk is a common electromagnetic disturbance in electronic and telecommunication system but can occurs also in conductors of a typical LV transmission line. In the last years, with the development of the smart meters, has been inevitable the necessity to transmit information between meter-DSO and between meter-user across the already existing LV cable. Since the transmission line is composed by no-shielded conductors this phenomena occurs between close conductors. In the following thesis it is analyzed and modelled the cross-talk phenomenon, starting from a theoretical consideration regarding the transmission line and the cross-talk as generic phenomena. Then, the model is developed, firstly building a model for a generic transmission line and at a later stage a more complex model in order to verify the validity of the model in a real application. The results from theoretical model are the one expected. In the real case non ideal effect of the transmission line alter the measurements and generates attenuation that, in same cases, can not be negligible. Furthermore those phenomenon are more important for bigger transmission line system, thus the model accuracy starts to be lower for very long transmission line and very complex systems. Even these phenomenon occurs, the model built, generally, falls into a defined range of accuracy. This could be an important results for telecomunication purpose. In fact might happens that the transmitted line in a phase may be too attenuated, this means an incorrect data transmission between smart meter and concetrator. The cross-talk generates a signal into the adjacent conductors. Thus this undesired phenomena may be used to transmit data also in the other phases increasing the reliability of the data communication.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Valentini, Luca
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Electrical Engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Cross-Talk,Power line,LV,Smart Meter,SPICE model
Data di discussione della Tesi
20 Dicembre 2018
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Valentini, Luca
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Electrical Engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Cross-Talk,Power line,LV,Smart Meter,SPICE model
Data di discussione della Tesi
20 Dicembre 2018
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