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A Quadrotor (QR) is a type of unmanned aerial vehicles which has been absorbed lots of attention recently with many institutes have investigated on many application with this tools include search and rescue, surveillance, supply of food and medicine in emergency sub-problem of load transportation by the control of the cable suspended load or directly control of the QR robustly.
The goal of this thesis is to present a nonlinear control approach and investigate on novel approach. The focus is lies on the quadrotor-load subsystem where the cable tension is not zero, which analogous to modeling a rigid link between the quadrotor and load.
After introducing the basic concept, an introduction is given on geometric mechanics. This differential geometric based approach is used to model and control the system, based on the geometric properties of the system dynamics. It is shown how the configuration spaces and analyzed with the principles of differential geometry. Also the common approach for second approach will be hired for illustrate the configuration of the Quadrotor-load, while both approach avoiding the problem of singularities would occur on local charts.
Next, the geometric properties are utilized to define tracking error functions on these same space. A back-stepping approach is applied to generate a cascade structure with multiple nonlinear geometric controllers, allowing control of several flight modes that are responsible for the control of a) quadrotor attitude b) load attitude c) load position.
Finally, simulation illustrate the stability and ability of the geometric controller. Also Zero-dynamics is derived to compare both performances. The tracking performances of both controllers are discussed for many different experiences.
A Quadrotor (QR) is a type of unmanned aerial vehicles which has been absorbed lots of attention recently with many institutes have investigated on many application with this tools include search and rescue, surveillance, supply of food and medicine in emergency sub-problem of load transportation by the control of the cable suspended load or directly control of the QR robustly.
The goal of this thesis is to present a nonlinear control approach and investigate on novel approach. The focus is lies on the quadrotor-load subsystem where the cable tension is not zero, which analogous to modeling a rigid link between the quadrotor and load.
After introducing the basic concept, an introduction is given on geometric mechanics. This differential geometric based approach is used to model and control the system, based on the geometric properties of the system dynamics. It is shown how the configuration spaces and analyzed with the principles of differential geometry. Also the common approach for second approach will be hired for illustrate the configuration of the Quadrotor-load, while both approach avoiding the problem of singularities would occur on local charts.
Next, the geometric properties are utilized to define tracking error functions on these same space. A back-stepping approach is applied to generate a cascade structure with multiple nonlinear geometric controllers, allowing control of several flight modes that are responsible for the control of a) quadrotor attitude b) load attitude c) load position.
Finally, simulation illustrate the stability and ability of the geometric controller. Also Zero-dynamics is derived to compare both performances. The tracking performances of both controllers are discussed for many different experiences.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Abdi, Arash
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
control of quad-copter,tension of cable,Newton-Euler,Euler-Lagrange,Hamiltonina,back-stepping contorller,non-linear Geometric controller
Data di discussione della Tesi
5 Ottobre 2018
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Abdi, Arash
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
control of quad-copter,tension of cable,Newton-Euler,Euler-Lagrange,Hamiltonina,back-stepping contorller,non-linear Geometric controller
Data di discussione della Tesi
5 Ottobre 2018
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