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The savage essence and nature of sports means those who work on it hunt for the win. The sport enterprise is undergoing a gigantic digital transformation focused on imaging, real time and data analysis employed in the competitions. Conventional process methods in sports management such as fitness and health establishments, training, growth and match or game realisation are all being revolutionized by the sport digitization. In team sports it is well known that is needful an enough and simple digital methodology to organize and construct a feasible strategy. Digitization in sports is perpetually evolving and requires pervasive challenges. The sports and athletics digitization success is based on what is being done with collection of more data. Competitive advantages go to those who produce powerful operations using the data and acting on it in real time. The potential impact of these sport features in sport team operations is powerful. Data does not ride all decisions, but it empowers knowledgeable decisions. In these world circumstances, our vision with this system was born from a dream helping soccer sport management systems embrace and improve its contest success. Our perspective problem is how a decision support system for soccer coaches helps them to take enhancement decisions better. To face this problem we have created a soccer coach decision support system. This system is organised in two joined components; the first simulates the prediction of the soccer match winner through a data driven neural network. This component output activates the second to operate the logic rules learning and provides the stats, analysis, decision making and additionally plans improvements like drills and training procedures. This helps on the preparation towards upcoming matches as well as being aligned with their style and playing concepts. Future scalability and development, will analyse the mental and moral features of the teams by virtue of their athlete’s behavior changes.