Sustainability assessment of the production of CLT panels: a comparison between an Italian and Chilean case study

Lupo, Maria Chiara (2017) Sustainability assessment of the production of CLT panels: a comparison between an Italian and Chilean case study. [Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Ingegneria edile/ architettura [TU-DM509], Documento ad accesso riservato.
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The thesis project takes part in the search for a new and more sustainable building construction method. Specifically it aims to study the production of cross-fibres wood panels, the so-called CLT (Cross Laminated Timber). These panels constitute a recent constructive method that brings back to life the use of an ancient material, wood, which is also one of the most renewable materials. This panel constitution leads to an increase in resistance and isotropy without comparison with the raw material from which it is obtained. It is presented as one of the most sustainable constructive techniques used nowadays. The objective of the study is to verify this affirmation. The thesis project aims at comparing two CLT production processes delivered by factories in two different geographical areas. The first one, settled in Concepcion, Chile, and the second one, settled in the Trento province, Italy. An analysis of the various production phases of the production of CLT panels was carried out and the data collected were processed in order to determine the use of primary resources, energy dispensing and CO2 emissions. The values to be calculated are the sustainability indexes described in the ISO 14000 series; beyond this, it is intended to broaden the survey from a methodological point of view by searching for specific parameters that can be more suitable to characterize the product CLT as for as the effects on the environment are concerned. The main objectives are: archiving a broad-based sustainability relationship for the production of a CLT panel in line with the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Then researching an estimate of the environmental cost of producing a CLT panel that would result comparable, thus enabling the buyer to participate knowingly in choosing to reduce the environmental damage. Lastly, the ultimate objective was obtaining a product certification evaluation through the EPD green label prescriptions.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea specialistica a ciclo unico)
Autore della tesi
Lupo, Maria Chiara
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Data di discussione della Tesi
6 Ottobre 2017

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