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The aim of this dissertation is to introduce the concept of dubbing as a form of audiovisual translation (AVT) and the importance of linguistic and cultural factors that are involved in the process of translating for dubbing. Nowadays, AVT is one of the most interesting and thriving fields in translation studies and dubbing is the oldest AVT mode. This paper is divided into three sections: the first one presents the origins of dubbing in Italy and the comparison between dubbing and subtitling, as the two main AVT modes. The second section is dedicated to the various issues that translators face and the techniques they usually adopt when translating for dubbing. Moreover, this section illustrates the perception of dubbing by the Italian audience. Finally, the last and most crucial section focuses on the analysis of the dubbed Italian version of the TV series Sherlock compared to the original one, analysing linguistic and cultural aspects that are particularly interesting from the point of view of translation.
The aim of this dissertation is to introduce the concept of dubbing as a form of audiovisual translation (AVT) and the importance of linguistic and cultural factors that are involved in the process of translating for dubbing. Nowadays, AVT is one of the most interesting and thriving fields in translation studies and dubbing is the oldest AVT mode. This paper is divided into three sections: the first one presents the origins of dubbing in Italy and the comparison between dubbing and subtitling, as the two main AVT modes. The second section is dedicated to the various issues that translators face and the techniques they usually adopt when translating for dubbing. Moreover, this section illustrates the perception of dubbing by the Italian audience. Finally, the last and most crucial section focuses on the analysis of the dubbed Italian version of the TV series Sherlock compared to the original one, analysing linguistic and cultural aspects that are particularly interesting from the point of view of translation.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Padovani, Giorgia
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
audiovisual translation,dubbing,TV series,linguistic aspects,cultural references
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Padovani, Giorgia
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
audiovisual translation,dubbing,TV series,linguistic aspects,cultural references
Data di discussione della Tesi
3 Ottobre 2017
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