Amati, Pietro
La gestione dei rifiuti presso Interporto Bologna S.p.A., aspetti tecnici ed ambientali
Technical and Environmental issues in Waste Management at Interporto Bologna S.p.A.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio [LM-DM270], Documento full-text non disponibile
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This paper analyzes the waste management at the Interporto Bologna, one of the bigger intermodal center of Europe. This study has been carried on during a traineeship period of 4 months. The aim is to provide an exhaustive report of the current state of art about waste collection in the site. A presentation of the Italian and European multimodal transport system is provided. It is presented the Italian and EU waste law and the European Waste Catalogue. It is then presented the actual situation in the site, looking at quantities per fraction. This waste is assimilated to MSW, according to a Bentivoglio municipal Ordinance. The service is provided by HERA Bologna S.r.l., directly for the fraction relative to the offices, instead it is subcontracted to a smaller company (CutiConsai) for the indifferentiated fraction (multimaterial) of the warehouses, separated downstream. I could follow in the collection activity the CutiConsai employee, in order to get data and localize critical areas. The actual management ensures ease and flexibility to all the users. But this layout doesn’t guarantee waste traceability and quantification, necessary for the incoming national adaptation to EU regulations. It seems to satisfy them without increasing the service costs, the creation of an Ecologic Station inside the site. But this presents logistics inconvenient not negligible, as distances to be covered and low flexibility. Another possibility is the grouping of containers in Drop-off Points for the separated collection, but this will not provide waste traceability and quantification and overall, it seems to be an expansive solution. Last considered is the door-to-door collection for plastics and paper. The remaining of multimaterial will be throw inside the containers as now. The flexibility will be a bit lower, but the waste traceability easier. There was no answer from the Bentivoglio municipality and the option of exiting the municipal waste monopoly couldn’t be analyzed deeply.
This paper analyzes the waste management at the Interporto Bologna, one of the bigger intermodal center of Europe. This study has been carried on during a traineeship period of 4 months. The aim is to provide an exhaustive report of the current state of art about waste collection in the site. A presentation of the Italian and European multimodal transport system is provided. It is presented the Italian and EU waste law and the European Waste Catalogue. It is then presented the actual situation in the site, looking at quantities per fraction. This waste is assimilated to MSW, according to a Bentivoglio municipal Ordinance. The service is provided by HERA Bologna S.r.l., directly for the fraction relative to the offices, instead it is subcontracted to a smaller company (CutiConsai) for the indifferentiated fraction (multimaterial) of the warehouses, separated downstream. I could follow in the collection activity the CutiConsai employee, in order to get data and localize critical areas. The actual management ensures ease and flexibility to all the users. But this layout doesn’t guarantee waste traceability and quantification, necessary for the incoming national adaptation to EU regulations. It seems to satisfy them without increasing the service costs, the creation of an Ecologic Station inside the site. But this presents logistics inconvenient not negligible, as distances to be covered and low flexibility. Another possibility is the grouping of containers in Drop-off Points for the separated collection, but this will not provide waste traceability and quantification and overall, it seems to be an expansive solution. Last considered is the door-to-door collection for plastics and paper. The remaining of multimaterial will be throw inside the containers as now. The flexibility will be a bit lower, but the waste traceability easier. There was no answer from the Bentivoglio municipality and the option of exiting the municipal waste monopoly couldn’t be analyzed deeply.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Amati, Pietro
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
waste management,intermodal transport,logistics
Data di discussione della Tesi
15 Marzo 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Amati, Pietro
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Earth resources engineering
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
waste management,intermodal transport,logistics
Data di discussione della Tesi
15 Marzo 2017
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