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In this thesis we investigate about the origins of the constellations. Nowadays the IAU recognises 88 constellations endorsed officially in the 1928 from the Commision 3 in Leiden. Many of these stars patterns, exactly 48, are an heritage of the ancient times, especially from occidental tradition that correspond with greek and roman cultures: in the II century AD, Claudius Ptolemy fixed this constellations. We studied how this 48 constellations were formed in the sky. The first step is to distinguish the zodiacal and para-zodiacal constellations from the others. In fact, the zodiacal and para-zodiacal constellations seem to be formed from mesopotamic culture: many evidences come from seals, clay tablets, boundary stones and star lists. This constellations spread out from mesopotamic lands over mediterranean world. For others constellations the origin is still uncertain. Many studies focus attention on an ancient people of navigators inhabitants of Aegean Sea. Furthermore, it is undisputed that most of these constellations have a greek origin from ancient greek myths. The origins of constellations seem to be a long-lasting process that unfolds over many millennia, a process in wich different cultures contributed .
In this thesis we investigate about the origins of the constellations. Nowadays the IAU recognises 88 constellations endorsed officially in the 1928 from the Commision 3 in Leiden. Many of these stars patterns, exactly 48, are an heritage of the ancient times, especially from occidental tradition that correspond with greek and roman cultures: in the II century AD, Claudius Ptolemy fixed this constellations. We studied how this 48 constellations were formed in the sky. The first step is to distinguish the zodiacal and para-zodiacal constellations from the others. In fact, the zodiacal and para-zodiacal constellations seem to be formed from mesopotamic culture: many evidences come from seals, clay tablets, boundary stones and star lists. This constellations spread out from mesopotamic lands over mediterranean world. For others constellations the origin is still uncertain. Many studies focus attention on an ancient people of navigators inhabitants of Aegean Sea. Furthermore, it is undisputed that most of these constellations have a greek origin from ancient greek myths. The origins of constellations seem to be a long-lasting process that unfolds over many millennia, a process in wich different cultures contributed .
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Cesta, Alessandro
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Costellazioni,Storia Astronomia,Origini,Sroria Cosmologia,Astronomia,Cosmologia
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Cesta, Alessandro
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Costellazioni,Storia Astronomia,Origini,Sroria Cosmologia,Astronomia,Cosmologia
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2017
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