Musso, Sara
Anglicismi e interpretazione simultanea: il caso specifico di italiano e spagnolo.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Interpretazione [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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This dissertation is an analysis of the phenomenon of loanwords, especially from English, and of its consequences on simultaneous interpreting. The aim is to try to establish a relationship between simultaneous interpreting, a technique with distinctive characteristics, and the problems caused by the use of English loanwords in interpreted speeches from Spanish into Italian. After briefly retracing the history of interpretation, we focus on simultaneous interpreting and its particularities, analysing in depth all the cognitive processes and efforts involved, the strategies used by interpreters and the mistakes than can be made. The indisputably relevant concept of quality in interpreting is also examined.
Moreover, we try to present all the mechanisms of neology, the fundamental process of coining new words in every language, then focusing on loanwords, especially from English. It is undeniable that every language has its own history of language policies and a specific attitude of acceptance or rejection of foreign words, for this reason we analysed the different approaches of the Italian language and other romance languages such as French, Spanish and Portuguese. We highlight, in particular, the divergence between Spanish and Italian points of view, drawing attention to the necessity of finding a compromise between purist positions and excessive passiveness.
Jargons, chiefly the financial and economic one, are analysed. We underline the special features of these particular types of language as in them we can find a significant amount of English loanwords, both in Italy and in Spain. In the last chapter, the applied part of this dissertation, we focus on the study of twelve interpreted texts of a speech on a financial subject, interpreted by students in their final year of the Interpreting Master’s Degree (SSLMIT Forlì) with the aim of identifying the impact English loanwords can have on interpreting and how interpreters manage this potentially treacherous phenomenon.
This dissertation is an analysis of the phenomenon of loanwords, especially from English, and of its consequences on simultaneous interpreting. The aim is to try to establish a relationship between simultaneous interpreting, a technique with distinctive characteristics, and the problems caused by the use of English loanwords in interpreted speeches from Spanish into Italian. After briefly retracing the history of interpretation, we focus on simultaneous interpreting and its particularities, analysing in depth all the cognitive processes and efforts involved, the strategies used by interpreters and the mistakes than can be made. The indisputably relevant concept of quality in interpreting is also examined.
Moreover, we try to present all the mechanisms of neology, the fundamental process of coining new words in every language, then focusing on loanwords, especially from English. It is undeniable that every language has its own history of language policies and a specific attitude of acceptance or rejection of foreign words, for this reason we analysed the different approaches of the Italian language and other romance languages such as French, Spanish and Portuguese. We highlight, in particular, the divergence between Spanish and Italian points of view, drawing attention to the necessity of finding a compromise between purist positions and excessive passiveness.
Jargons, chiefly the financial and economic one, are analysed. We underline the special features of these particular types of language as in them we can find a significant amount of English loanwords, both in Italy and in Spain. In the last chapter, the applied part of this dissertation, we focus on the study of twelve interpreted texts of a speech on a financial subject, interpreted by students in their final year of the Interpreting Master’s Degree (SSLMIT Forlì) with the aim of identifying the impact English loanwords can have on interpreting and how interpreters manage this potentially treacherous phenomenon.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Musso, Sara
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Anglicismi, Interpretazione simultanea, Neologismi, Linguaggi specialistici
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Marzo 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Musso, Sara
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Anglicismi, Interpretazione simultanea, Neologismi, Linguaggi specialistici
Data di discussione della Tesi
14 Marzo 2017
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