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Full-text accessibile solo agli utenti istituzionali dell'Ateneo Disponibile con Licenza: Salvo eventuali più ampie autorizzazioni dell'autore, la tesi può essere liberamente consultata e può essere effettuato il salvataggio e la stampa di una copia per fini strettamente personali di studio, di ricerca e di insegnamento, con espresso divieto di qualunque utilizzo direttamente o indirettamente commerciale. Ogni altro diritto sul materiale è riservato Download (36kB) | Contatta l'autore |
This work is dedicated to Boris Ryzhy (1974-2001), a Russian poet who committed suicide aged only 26. Gradually becoming a classic of contemporary poetry in his home country, Ryzhy is virtually unknown outside of it. This thesis is aimed at increasing the poet’s fame in Italy and Europe. The main assumption is that reading poetry can make a tangible contribution to language learning, especially for middle-high level learners such as students of translation and interpreting. For reasons regarding both form and content, Ryzhy’s poetry is particularly suitable to be used as a learning tool. The work includes the full translation of the documentary Boris Ryzhy, by Dutch filmmaker of Russian descent Aliona Van der Horst (de Zeppers, Netherlands, 2008), as well as a comprehensive analysis of Ryzhy’s biography and poetry, which is almost entirely based on Russian language sources. The translation has been used as a starting point for the subtitling of the movie, which is part of the thesis, too. This kind of multidisciplinary approach – which ranges from literary translation, to multimedia translation and poetry analysis – has been chosen in order to make the thesis interesting and valuable from a scientific viewpoint. Multidisciplinarity is a key element in the training of interpreters and translators, therefore poetry and literature are exactly as important as economics, politics and world news in the cultural background of an interpreter. This is especially true with Russia, where poetry plays a larger role in society than it does in Western countries. For all these reasons, this work offers a useful source of cultural and linguistic knowledge to interpreters, translators and all those who, for one reason or another, have a special interest in Russia and in its culture, language and traditions.