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This project has been developed in collaboration with Comau Robotics S.p.a and the main goal is the development in China of an Health Monitoring Pro-cess using vibration analysis. This project is connected to the activity of Cost Reduction carried out by the PD Cost Engineering Department in China.
The Project is divided in two part:
1. Data Acquisition
2. Data Analysis
An Automatic Acquisition of the moni.log file is carried out and is discussed in Chapter 1. As for the Data Analysis is concerned a data driven approach is considered and developed in frequency domain through the FFT transform and in time domain using the Wavelet transform.
In Chapter 2 a list of the techiques used nowadays for the Signal Analysis and the Vibration Monitoring is shown in time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain.
In Chapter 3 the state of art of the Condition Monitoring of all the possible ma-chinery part is carried out from the evaluation of the spectrum of the current and speed.
In Chapter 4 are evaluated disturbances that are not related to a fault but be-long to a normal behaviour of the system acting on the measured forces. Motor Torque Ripple and Output Noise Resolution are disturbance dependent on ve-locity and are mentioned in comparison to the one related to the configuration of the Robot.
In Chapter 5 a particular study case is assigned: the noise problem due to belt-based power transmission system of the axis three of a Racer 3 Robot in Endu-rance test. The chapter presents the test plan done including all the simula-tions.
In Chapter 6 all the results are shown demostrating how the vibration analysis carried out from an external sensor can be confirmed looking at the spectral content of the speed and the current.
In the last Chapter the final conclusions and a possible development of this thesis are presented considering both a a Model of Signal and a Model Based approach.
This project has been developed in collaboration with Comau Robotics S.p.a and the main goal is the development in China of an Health Monitoring Pro-cess using vibration analysis. This project is connected to the activity of Cost Reduction carried out by the PD Cost Engineering Department in China.
The Project is divided in two part:
1. Data Acquisition
2. Data Analysis
An Automatic Acquisition of the moni.log file is carried out and is discussed in Chapter 1. As for the Data Analysis is concerned a data driven approach is considered and developed in frequency domain through the FFT transform and in time domain using the Wavelet transform.
In Chapter 2 a list of the techiques used nowadays for the Signal Analysis and the Vibration Monitoring is shown in time domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain.
In Chapter 3 the state of art of the Condition Monitoring of all the possible ma-chinery part is carried out from the evaluation of the spectrum of the current and speed.
In Chapter 4 are evaluated disturbances that are not related to a fault but be-long to a normal behaviour of the system acting on the measured forces. Motor Torque Ripple and Output Noise Resolution are disturbance dependent on ve-locity and are mentioned in comparison to the one related to the configuration of the Robot.
In Chapter 5 a particular study case is assigned: the noise problem due to belt-based power transmission system of the axis three of a Racer 3 Robot in Endu-rance test. The chapter presents the test plan done including all the simula-tions.
In Chapter 6 all the results are shown demostrating how the vibration analysis carried out from an external sensor can be confirmed looking at the spectral content of the speed and the current.
In the last Chapter the final conclusions and a possible development of this thesis are presented considering both a a Model of Signal and a Model Based approach.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Tanzariello, Roberta
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Condition Monitoring,Predictive Maintenance,Belt-Based Transmission System,Vibration Analysis,Wavelet Transform
Data di discussione della Tesi
6 Ottobre 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Tanzariello, Roberta
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Condition Monitoring,Predictive Maintenance,Belt-Based Transmission System,Vibration Analysis,Wavelet Transform
Data di discussione della Tesi
6 Ottobre 2017
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