Marruganti, Martina
Conceptualization of an Electric Compact SUV for the American and Italian Market using the IDeS Method.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Ingegneria meccanica [LM-DM270], Documento ad accesso riservato.
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Electric cars are increasingly popular due to a transition of mobility towards more sustainable forms. From an increasingly green and pollution reduction perspective, there are more and more incentives that encourage customers to invest in electric cars.
Using the Industrial Design and Structure (IDeS) research method, this project has the aim to design a new electric compact SUV suitable for all people who live in the city, and for people who move outside urban areas. In order to achieve the goal of developing a new car in the industrial automotive environment, the compact SUV segment was chosen because it is a vehicle very requested by the costumers and it is successful in the market due to its versatility.
IDeS is a combination of innovative and advanced systematic approaches used to set up a new industrial project. The IDeS methodology is sequentially composed of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Benchmarking (BM), Top-Flop analysis (TFA), Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE), Design for X, Prototyping, Testing, Budgeting, and Planning. The work is based on a series of steps and the sequence of these must be meticulously scheduled, imposing deadlines along the work. Starting from an analysis of the market and competitors, the study of the best and worst existing parameters in the competitor’s market is done, arriving at the idea of a better product in terms of numbers and innovation. After identifying the characteristics that the new car should have, the other step is the styling part, with the definition of the style and the design of the machine on a 3D CAD. Finally, it switches to the prototyping and testing phase to see if the product is able to work. Ultimately, intending to place the car on the market, it is essential to estimate the necessary budget for a possible investment in this project.
Electric cars are increasingly popular due to a transition of mobility towards more sustainable forms. From an increasingly green and pollution reduction perspective, there are more and more incentives that encourage customers to invest in electric cars.
Using the Industrial Design and Structure (IDeS) research method, this project has the aim to design a new electric compact SUV suitable for all people who live in the city, and for people who move outside urban areas. In order to achieve the goal of developing a new car in the industrial automotive environment, the compact SUV segment was chosen because it is a vehicle very requested by the costumers and it is successful in the market due to its versatility.
IDeS is a combination of innovative and advanced systematic approaches used to set up a new industrial project. The IDeS methodology is sequentially composed of Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Benchmarking (BM), Top-Flop analysis (TFA), Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE), Design for X, Prototyping, Testing, Budgeting, and Planning. The work is based on a series of steps and the sequence of these must be meticulously scheduled, imposing deadlines along the work. Starting from an analysis of the market and competitors, the study of the best and worst existing parameters in the competitor’s market is done, arriving at the idea of a better product in terms of numbers and innovation. After identifying the characteristics that the new car should have, the other step is the styling part, with the definition of the style and the design of the machine on a 3D CAD. Finally, it switches to the prototyping and testing phase to see if the product is able to work. Ultimately, intending to place the car on the market, it is essential to estimate the necessary budget for a possible investment in this project.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Marruganti, Martina
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Impianti industriali
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
E-mobility,Industrial Design Structure (IDeS),Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE),Benchmarking (BM),Additive Manufacturing (AM),Augmented Reality (AR),CAD 2D,CAD 3D
Data di discussione della Tesi
7 Ottobre 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Marruganti, Martina
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Impianti industriali
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
E-mobility,Industrial Design Structure (IDeS),Quality Function Deployment (QFD),Stylistic Design Engineering (SDE),Benchmarking (BM),Additive Manufacturing (AM),Augmented Reality (AR),CAD 2D,CAD 3D
Data di discussione della Tesi
7 Ottobre 2022
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