Pace, Noemi
La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto migratorio italiano.
Interviste a due minori stranieri non accompagnati.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Interpretazione [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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The object of this study is cultural and linguistic mediation for minors in Italy in the complex and delicate context of migration. Through the analysis of two mediated interviews to unaccompanied minors, this study intends to highlight the role of mediators in interactions and the impact of their actions on the conversation.
In the first chapter, the field of cultural and linguistic mediation in Italy is described with a reference to the broader context of interpreting, and to the features that differentiate it from what in English-speaking countries is known as community interpreting or public service interpreting. Moreover, the chapter focuses on the different roles of the mediator, the difference of social status and power between the participants, the different expectations regarding the mediator’s role/s, and ethical dilemmas on how to behave professionally in challenging situations.
In the second chapter, the main terminology pertaining to migration in the Italian immigration regulatory framework is analysed to provide a background for the description of the application for international protection in Italy and the role played by mediators during the procedure. The fundamental principles that mediators should follow to act professionally are outlined in the codes of conduct of the main international and national organisations operating in the context of migration, two of which are briefly discussed in the final part of the chapter.
In the third chapter, the importance of the mediator’s role in mediated interactions is illustrated through two informal interviews to unaccompanied minors analysed through the lens of conversational analysis. Though based on a small set of data, the analysis confirms the multifaceted and polyvalent role of cultural and linguistic mediators as well as their responsibility in contributing to carrying out an efficient and effective interaction in the full respect of both primary participants in the interaction.
The object of this study is cultural and linguistic mediation for minors in Italy in the complex and delicate context of migration. Through the analysis of two mediated interviews to unaccompanied minors, this study intends to highlight the role of mediators in interactions and the impact of their actions on the conversation.
In the first chapter, the field of cultural and linguistic mediation in Italy is described with a reference to the broader context of interpreting, and to the features that differentiate it from what in English-speaking countries is known as community interpreting or public service interpreting. Moreover, the chapter focuses on the different roles of the mediator, the difference of social status and power between the participants, the different expectations regarding the mediator’s role/s, and ethical dilemmas on how to behave professionally in challenging situations.
In the second chapter, the main terminology pertaining to migration in the Italian immigration regulatory framework is analysed to provide a background for the description of the application for international protection in Italy and the role played by mediators during the procedure. The fundamental principles that mediators should follow to act professionally are outlined in the codes of conduct of the main international and national organisations operating in the context of migration, two of which are briefly discussed in the final part of the chapter.
In the third chapter, the importance of the mediator’s role in mediated interactions is illustrated through two informal interviews to unaccompanied minors analysed through the lens of conversational analysis. Though based on a small set of data, the analysis confirms the multifaceted and polyvalent role of cultural and linguistic mediators as well as their responsibility in contributing to carrying out an efficient and effective interaction in the full respect of both primary participants in the interaction.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Pace, Noemi
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
mediazione linguistico-culturale,public service interpreting,protezione internazionale,minori stranieri non accompagnati,analisi della conversazione,codici deontologici,ruolo mediatore
Data di discussione della Tesi
15 Marzo 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Pace, Noemi
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
mediazione linguistico-culturale,public service interpreting,protezione internazionale,minori stranieri non accompagnati,analisi della conversazione,codici deontologici,ruolo mediatore
Data di discussione della Tesi
15 Marzo 2021
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