Miccoli, Roberta
Implementation of a complete sensor data collection and edge-cloud communication workflow within the WeLight project.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Telecommunications engineering [LM-DM270], Documento ad accesso riservato.
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This thesis aims at developing the full workflow of data collection from a laser sensor connected to a mobile application, working as edge device, which subsequently transmits the data to a Cloud platform for analysing and processing. The project is part of the We Light (WErable LIGHTing for smart apparels) project, in collaboration with TTLab of the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). The goal of We Light is to create an intelligent sports shirt, equipped with sensors that take information from the external environment and send it to a mobile device. The latter then sends the data via an application to an open source Cloud platform in order to create a real IoT system. The smart T-shirt is capable of emitting different levels of light depending on the perceived external light, with the aim of ensuring greater safety for road sports people.
The thesis objective is to employ a prototype board provided by the CNR-IMAMOTER to collect data and send it to the specially created application via Bluetooth Low Energy connection. Furthermore, the connection between the edge device and the Thingsboard IoT platform is performed via MQTT protocol. Several device authentication techniques are implemented on TB and a special dashboard is created to display data from the IoT device; the user is also able to view data in numerical and even graphical form directly in the application without necessarily having to access TB. The app created is useful and versatile and can be adapted to be used for other IoT purposes, not only within the We Light project.
This thesis aims at developing the full workflow of data collection from a laser sensor connected to a mobile application, working as edge device, which subsequently transmits the data to a Cloud platform for analysing and processing. The project is part of the We Light (WErable LIGHTing for smart apparels) project, in collaboration with TTLab of the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics). The goal of We Light is to create an intelligent sports shirt, equipped with sensors that take information from the external environment and send it to a mobile device. The latter then sends the data via an application to an open source Cloud platform in order to create a real IoT system. The smart T-shirt is capable of emitting different levels of light depending on the perceived external light, with the aim of ensuring greater safety for road sports people.
The thesis objective is to employ a prototype board provided by the CNR-IMAMOTER to collect data and send it to the specially created application via Bluetooth Low Energy connection. Furthermore, the connection between the edge device and the Thingsboard IoT platform is performed via MQTT protocol. Several device authentication techniques are implemented on TB and a special dashboard is created to display data from the IoT device; the user is also able to view data in numerical and even graphical form directly in the application without necessarily having to access TB. The app created is useful and versatile and can be adapted to be used for other IoT purposes, not only within the We Light project.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Miccoli, Roberta
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
IoT,Sensors,Bluetooth Low Energy,5G,Wi-Fi,MQTT,Cloud,Android Studio,Java,App,Thingsboard,We Light
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Miccoli, Roberta
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
IoT,Sensors,Bluetooth Low Energy,5G,Wi-Fi,MQTT,Cloud,Android Studio,Java,App,Thingsboard,We Light
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2021
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