Rossi, Carla
Frames “Trump” Facts: An Analysis of Donald Trump’s Use of Language.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Interpretazione [LM-DM270] - Forli', Documento ad accesso riservato.
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The goal of my thesis is to analyze Donald Trump’s use of language, with specific reference to two press conferences, two formal addresses, and several tweets. For the purpose of my thesis, I will draw from the works of four major scholars: Daniel Kahneman, George Lakoff, Michael Hoey, and Drew Western.
My thesis will be structured as follows: in chapter 1 I will describe the way our cognitive system is divided and the shortcuts our brain uses throughout the decision process. I will then investigate the role of frames and metaphors, both in general and in politics. Finally, I will shed light on the patterns that our minds follow every time our rational self collides with our instinctive/emotional self. In chapter 2, I will focus on communication and media effects. Starting from a brief story of media and its role in the political scenario, I will then describe various basic theories of communication. Finally I will focus on the core of the effects of modern political communication, namely agenda setting, priming, and framing.
In chapter 3 I will investigate persuasion and politics, as well as persuasion in politics. Drawing upon the work of Luntz, Heath & Heath, Berger, and Cialdini, I will focus on the main recurring features that make a speech persuasive. These features will be divided into two groups: those related to the message itself, and those affecting the speaker and his role.
In chapter 4 I will use the features described in chapter 3 to carry out an analysis of Trump’s language in two joint press conferences (one with Justin Trudeau and one with Angela Merkel), two formal speeches (the Inauguration Speech and the Speech before the 72nd United Nations General Assembly), and several tweets related to these four communicative events.
In chapter 5 I will first summarize my investigation, and then discuss the results I obtained. In conclusion, I will outline possible work for future investigations.
The goal of my thesis is to analyze Donald Trump’s use of language, with specific reference to two press conferences, two formal addresses, and several tweets. For the purpose of my thesis, I will draw from the works of four major scholars: Daniel Kahneman, George Lakoff, Michael Hoey, and Drew Western.
My thesis will be structured as follows: in chapter 1 I will describe the way our cognitive system is divided and the shortcuts our brain uses throughout the decision process. I will then investigate the role of frames and metaphors, both in general and in politics. Finally, I will shed light on the patterns that our minds follow every time our rational self collides with our instinctive/emotional self. In chapter 2, I will focus on communication and media effects. Starting from a brief story of media and its role in the political scenario, I will then describe various basic theories of communication. Finally I will focus on the core of the effects of modern political communication, namely agenda setting, priming, and framing.
In chapter 3 I will investigate persuasion and politics, as well as persuasion in politics. Drawing upon the work of Luntz, Heath & Heath, Berger, and Cialdini, I will focus on the main recurring features that make a speech persuasive. These features will be divided into two groups: those related to the message itself, and those affecting the speaker and his role.
In chapter 4 I will use the features described in chapter 3 to carry out an analysis of Trump’s language in two joint press conferences (one with Justin Trudeau and one with Angela Merkel), two formal speeches (the Inauguration Speech and the Speech before the 72nd United Nations General Assembly), and several tweets related to these four communicative events.
In chapter 5 I will first summarize my investigation, and then discuss the results I obtained. In conclusion, I will outline possible work for future investigations.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Rossi, Carla
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
political communication,Donald Trump,frames,priming,cognitive linguistics
Data di discussione della Tesi
19 Dicembre 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Rossi, Carla
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
political communication,Donald Trump,frames,priming,cognitive linguistics
Data di discussione della Tesi
19 Dicembre 2017
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