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This thesis presents the implementation and the optimization of a waste management system (WMS) in the Koinonia community (that is sited in the Chilanga district near Lusaka), showing the challenges that must be faced, implementing a WMS in a developing country. In the first part of the thesis it will be contextualized the waste management in the Zambian economy showing how a diversification involving the it could fit with the needs of the Nation. In the second part it will be treated the waste management hierarchy through the illustration of some European policies (like Circular Economy Package) and best practice (like WtE in Sweden). In the third part it will be analyzed the case of study Koinonia community where it has been spent three month. The object of the study was how to make the waste management system economical sustainable, the various issue regarding this subject are described by some reports wrote at the beginning of the experience and at the end. In addition, the chapter presents a study about the waste production in Chilanga and the data collected by means the interview with the waste aggregator present in the city. Concluding, it is showed a proposal of evolution of the waste management system which consist in install a phv (Photovoltaic) system that will feed an ecological island of low dimension.