Cifalino, Michele
Studio ed implementazione di un sistema di proiezione per i planetari di Piacenza e di Modena.
[Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in
Astrofisica e cosmologia [LM-DM270]
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Aim of this study is both the technical implementation of a digital planetarium for the city of Piacenza and the development of a projection system for the Modena Planetarium, which at present uses an old opto-mechanical projector. The planetarium designs have recently undergone sweeping changes and improvements in technology, in particular with regard to the digital projection systems.
Following this direction, the first purpose concerns the technical design of a Planetarium well-suited inside the Natural Museum in Piacenza. A broad spectrum investigations have therefore been made, guided by the general hypothesis that a Planetarium is to be intended as a "portable solution". Two prototypal projection systems have been designed and tested for this purpose: a
projection system based on a spherical mirror technique has been then selected as the best solution. A considerable part of the project concerns the education program for schools, differentiating the treated topics and the methods used for different approaches.
The second purpose is the implementation of the digital projection system under the dome of the Modena Planetarium. The compatibility of digital projection system with an opto-mechanical projector was evaluated as last analysis.
The planetarium intrinsic value and educational role was assessed as final consideration from a study of the scope and quality of its functions as a teaching tool. The tests performed with the planetarium confirmed the ability to inspire enthusiasm for science to audiences of all ages.
Aim of this study is both the technical implementation of a digital planetarium for the city of Piacenza and the development of a projection system for the Modena Planetarium, which at present uses an old opto-mechanical projector. The planetarium designs have recently undergone sweeping changes and improvements in technology, in particular with regard to the digital projection systems.
Following this direction, the first purpose concerns the technical design of a Planetarium well-suited inside the Natural Museum in Piacenza. A broad spectrum investigations have therefore been made, guided by the general hypothesis that a Planetarium is to be intended as a "portable solution". Two prototypal projection systems have been designed and tested for this purpose: a
projection system based on a spherical mirror technique has been then selected as the best solution. A considerable part of the project concerns the education program for schools, differentiating the treated topics and the methods used for different approaches.
The second purpose is the implementation of the digital projection system under the dome of the Modena Planetarium. The compatibility of digital projection system with an opto-mechanical projector was evaluated as last analysis.
The planetarium intrinsic value and educational role was assessed as final consideration from a study of the scope and quality of its functions as a teaching tool. The tests performed with the planetarium confirmed the ability to inspire enthusiasm for science to audiences of all ages.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Cifalino, Michele
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Planetario,Planetario di Piacenza,Planetario di Modena,Sistema di proiezione digitale,Sistema di proiezione a specchio sferico,Sistema di proiezione Fish-Eye,Didattica Astronomica,Divulgazione Astronomica
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Cifalino, Michele
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Planetario,Planetario di Piacenza,Planetario di Modena,Sistema di proiezione digitale,Sistema di proiezione a specchio sferico,Sistema di proiezione Fish-Eye,Didattica Astronomica,Divulgazione Astronomica
Data di discussione della Tesi
10 Marzo 2017
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