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The Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed sea, connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibraltar Strait and subdivided in two different regions by the Sicily Strait. The geographical extension of the basin, the surface heat flux, and the water inflow from the Gibraltar Strait are some of the basic factors determining its horizontal and vertical circulation.
In the Mediterranean strong salinity and temperature zonal gradients contribute to maintain the zonal-vertical circulation, while meridional-vertical cells are equally forced by winds and deep water mass formation in three regions, the Gulf of Lyon, the southern Adriatic and the Cretan Sea areas.
The objective of this thesis is to study how these cells combine together to form the Mediterranean conveyor belt system. This has never been attempted before so the conclusions are necessarily preliminary.
In the first part we discuss the vertical zonal and meridional circulation by reconstructing the Wust Mediterranean vertical salinity and temperature structures in an attempt to evaluate the water mass structure consistent with modern data. Our results confirm that Wust depicted vertical circulation from scarce data is reproduced by the past 27 years observations.
The structure of both meridional and zonal circulations was discussed using velocity vertical streamfunctions with two different methods. The first one, eulerian, allowed us to observe vertical structures that were already reported in the literature. Recent studies in the Atlantic Ocean have shown that gyres and eddies have an important influence in the isopycnal vertical circulation.
This is called the residual circulation which was computed in this study for the first time.
A possible interpretation of horizontal connection between the meridional and zonal cells was discussed using horizontal streamfunction.
In the last part of the thesis we have been developing an idealized numerical model to study the vertical circulation in the Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed sea, connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Gibraltar Strait and subdivided in two different regions by the Sicily Strait. The geographical extension of the basin, the surface heat flux, and the water inflow from the Gibraltar Strait are some of the basic factors determining its horizontal and vertical circulation.
In the Mediterranean strong salinity and temperature zonal gradients contribute to maintain the zonal-vertical circulation, while meridional-vertical cells are equally forced by winds and deep water mass formation in three regions, the Gulf of Lyon, the southern Adriatic and the Cretan Sea areas.
The objective of this thesis is to study how these cells combine together to form the Mediterranean conveyor belt system. This has never been attempted before so the conclusions are necessarily preliminary.
In the first part we discuss the vertical zonal and meridional circulation by reconstructing the Wust Mediterranean vertical salinity and temperature structures in an attempt to evaluate the water mass structure consistent with modern data. Our results confirm that Wust depicted vertical circulation from scarce data is reproduced by the past 27 years observations.
The structure of both meridional and zonal circulations was discussed using velocity vertical streamfunctions with two different methods. The first one, eulerian, allowed us to observe vertical structures that were already reported in the literature. Recent studies in the Atlantic Ocean have shown that gyres and eddies have an important influence in the isopycnal vertical circulation.
This is called the residual circulation which was computed in this study for the first time.
A possible interpretation of horizontal connection between the meridional and zonal cells was discussed using horizontal streamfunction.
In the last part of the thesis we have been developing an idealized numerical model to study the vertical circulation in the Mediterranean.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
(Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Borile, Federica
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Mediterranean Sea,Conveyor Belt System,Oceanography,Reanalysis
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Luglio 2016
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea
Autore della tesi
Borile, Federica
Relatore della tesi
Correlatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
Mediterranean Sea,Conveyor Belt System,Oceanography,Reanalysis
Data di discussione della Tesi
21 Luglio 2016
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