Hydrogeochemical characterization of Seehausen territory - Bremen

Ghetta, Matteo (2014) Hydrogeochemical characterization of Seehausen territory - Bremen. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Analisi e gestione dell'ambiente [LM-DM270] - Ravenna
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The aim of this thesis is to provide a geochemical characterization of the Seehausen territory (a neighborhood) of Bremen, Germany. In this territory it is hosted a landfill of dredged sediments coming both from Bremerhaven (North See) and Bremen harbor (directly on the river Weser). For this reason this work has been focused also on possible impacts of the landfill on the groundwaters (shallow and deep aquifer). The Seehausen landfill uses the dewatering technique to manage the dredged sediments: incoming sediments are put into dewatering fields until they are completely dried (it takes almost a year). Then they are randomly sampled and analyzed: if the pollutants content is acceptable, sediments are treated with other materials and used instead of raw material for embankment, bricks, etc., otherwise they are disposed in the landfill. During this work it has been made a study of the natural geology and hydrogeology of the whole area of interest, especially because it is characterized by ancient natural salt deposits. Then, together with the Geological Survey of Bremen and the Harbor Authority of Bremen there have been identified all useful piezometers for a monitoring net around the landfill. During the sampling campaign there have been collected data of the principal anions and cations, physical parameters and stable water isotopes. Data analysis has been focused particularly on Cl, Na, SO4 and EC because these parameters might be helpful to attribute geochemical trends to the landfill or to a natural background. Furthermore dataloggers have been installed for a month in some piezometers and EC, pressure, dissolved oxygen and temperature data have been collected. Finally there has been made a deep comparison between current and historical data (1996 – 2011) and between old interpolation maps and current ones in order to see time trends of the aquifer geochemistry.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di laurea (Laurea magistrale)
Autore della tesi
Ghetta, Matteo
Relatore della tesi
Corso di studio
Ordinamento Cds
Parole chiave
hydrology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, aquifer, pollutant, sediments, dredging, idrologia, geochimica, contaminanti, sedimenti, dragaggio
Data di discussione della Tesi
26 Marzo 2014

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